WAG 10-02-02-b: Initial Prorated Entitlement Period

PM 10-02-02-b

IES determines if benefits are issued during an Initial Prorated Entitlement Period (IPE) based on program rules and information entered in IES.

1.The IPE period begins the 30th day following the date of application (day 31) and continues through the last day of the month prior to the Regular Roll month. The Regular Roll (ongoing benefit) month is based on the date of application and processing in IES. 

  • When an IPE period extends beyond the partial month, IES will create a segment for the partial IPE period and then one IPE segment for each full month up through the end of the month prior to Regular Roll (late processing will extend the IPE full months).

1. IES determines each IPE period calculation individually, as follows:

  • Divides the TANF Payment Level for the household size by 30 days.
  • Multiplies the daily amount by the number of days in the specific IPE period.

2. IES determines income expected to be received within each IPE period calculation, as follows:

Calculates income expected to be received during the individual IPE period.

  • Staff must enter expected average pays in IES with future dates for anticipated pay periods.
  • Use Best Estimate as the Verification Source.
  • Self-Employment business expenses must be entered if appropriate.

3. IES applies the 3/4 Earned Income Deduction (EID) to the countable earned income amount.

4. IES subtracts expected income from the daily needs total and determines the IPE benefit amount.

  • If expected income exceeds calculated needs for an IPE period, IES will deny benefits for the specific IPE period. IES will continue to perform the Regular Roll Test and determination for ongoing benefits.
  • If the IPE period calculated needs exceed the expected countable income during an IPE period, IES will issue the IPE benefit.
  • Review the IPE calculation in IES behind the Eligibility Summary segment for each TANF IPE period. Each calculation is located within the Income tab, on the TANF/AABD Cash-Income Test screen, the IPE Period Benefit Calculation field displays the dates for the selected IPE period.

Note: During the IPE period determination, the averaged income is not converted to a monthly amount. The conversion of income to monthly amount for TANF budgeting occurs at the Regular Roll Test and continues to issue Ongoing benefits.

IES drops cents from each income calculation. IES performs this action based on program rules. TANF drops the cents for budgeting purposes.

TANF Budgeting Examples

Continued from WAG 10-02-02-a

Example #1:

IPE Period 03/03/2022 through 03/31/2022

Enter pays/dates anticipated during the IPE period.









Expected IES Outcome on Income screen for IPE Period.

Countable Income

3/4 EID


TANF Payment Level

Expected Income

Income Budgeted


Countable IPE Income 

Number of days in IPE

Daily IPE Amount

Total IPE calculated Need Amount


- $306.00 ($408/4=$102 x 3=$306)



$408.00 (3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29 Anticipated Pays)


$306.00 ($408/4=$102 x 3= $306)



$30.33 ($910/30 Days = $30.33)

$879.57 ($30.33 Daily Need x 29 Days)

Note - If any IPE covers a full month containing more or less than 30 days, IES will calculate for the total number of days in that specific month.

IPE Need 

Countable IPE Income 

IPE Grant 




Example #2

IPE Period 4/23 through 5/31

1st Month IPE Period 04/23 through 04/30

  1.  Enter pays/dates anticipated during the IPE period. No pay dates fall during the April IPE period.
  2.  Expected IES Outcome on Income screen for IPE Period

Income Budgeted

3/4 EID

Countable Income

Number of Days in 1st IPE

Daily IPE Rate

1st Month IPE Need




$25.00 ($753/30 Days= $25.00)

$200.00 ($25.00 Daily Need x 8 Days)

Note - If any IPE full month contains more or less than 30 days, IES will calculate for the total number of days in that specific month.

1st Month IPE Needs 

Countable Income 

1st Month IPE Grant




2nd Month IPE Period 05/01 through 05/31

Enter pays/dates anticipated during the 2nd Month IPE period.





Expected IES Outcome on Income screen for IPE Period.

Income Budgeted 

3/4 EID 

Countable Income 

Number of Days in 2nd IPE

Daily IPE Rate 

2nd Month IPE Need 


$255.00 ($340/4 = $85 x 3= $255)



$25.00 ($753/30 Days = $25.00)

$775.00 ($25.00 Daily Need x 31 Days)

Note - If any IPE full month contains more or less than 30 days, IES will calculate for the total number of days in that specific month.

2nd Month IPE Needs 

Countable Income 

2nd Month IPE Grant 


