RPSA Potential Partnership Application Survey

This survey is for informational purposes only, so that potential primary applicant organizations and subrecipients can participate in a partnership application model. Survey responses, including contact information, will be made public on IDHS Firearm Violence Prevention. Please visit this site after completing this survey to find organizations that may match with you in your community.

The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) is administering competitive funding notices to identify and fund organizations that will provide comprehensive evidence-based firearm violence prevention services in eligible Chicago community areas. IDHS, Office of Firearm Violence Prevention, will award grants to eligible community organizations and local governments to provide Violence Prevention Services program elements including street outreach, case management, and victim services.

IDHS strongly encourages application partnerships if any single organization is unable to provide all three violence prevention services as described in NOFO 23-444-80-2774. Organizations serving the same community area are encouraged to partner to provide each of the required services and apply for funding under one primary applicant organization. The primary applicant organization must provide at least one of the required Violence Prevention service components and may subgrant with one or more eligible organizations to provide the remaining service components. Sub-recipient entities will be subject to the same GATA and grant requirements as the primary applicant organization (grantee). Please visit IDHS GATA Prequalification Assistance to learn how to become pre-qualified.

Again, the purpose of this survey is to match potential primary applicants and subrecipients who may be interested in partnering on an application in their community. If interested in serving as a potential primary applicant or subrecipient, please complete the following section accordingly:

My organization is interested in serving as a potential (check all that apply):

Primary Contact

Please select the violence prevention services your organization provides:
Please select which community(ies) your organization is currently serving:
Please select the following RPSA Violence Prevention Services your organization is able to provide.