Rimland Services, NFP

Case # (*) Summary

Self-Report or


Date of

Incident Discovery

Date Reported

to OIG

Date OIG

Report Issued

Written Response

Due Date

Date Written

Response Received


Approval Date (**)

1617-0347 (pdf) Accused left four victims unsupervised in a CILA for 30 minutes. Self-Report 12/17/16 12/19/16 3/1/18 3/31/18 4/3/18 4/5/18 (pdf)
1618-0295 (pdf) The accused failed to check that all individuals were on the transport van, causing the victim to be left unsupervised at the CILA for five hours. Self-report 11/21/17 11/21/17 5/16/18 6/15/18 6/8/18 6/12/18 (pdf)

* - Click Case # for executive summary of case report

** - Click Final Approval Date for final version of written response

Please note: Only substantiated cases with written response due dates after January 1, 2018 are posted and, then, only after the written response

due date is reached.