Ludeman Developmental Center

Case # (*) Summary

Self-Report or


Date of

Incident Discovery

Date Reported

to OIG

Date OIG

Report Issued

Written Response

Due Date

Date Written

Response Received


Approval Date (**)

9517-0011 (pdf) Accused punched and kicked the victim in the head. Self-Report 10/2/16 10/2/16 6/27/18 7/27/18 7/30/18 7/30/18 (pdf)
9517-0026 (pdf) Facility failed to provide for consistent one to one supervision as required by the victim's service plan. Self-Report 12/19/16 12/19/16 7/2/18 8/1/18 7/30/18 7/30/18 (pdf)
9517-0027 (pdf) Accused fell asleep during the victim's hospitalization, allowing the victim to pull out his G tube. Self-Report 1/10/17 1/10/17 7/30/18 8/29/18 8/2/18 8/2/18 (pdf)
9517-0040 (pdf) Facility failed to properly staff the unit, allowing the victim to retrieve a butcher knife from a kitchen drawer and stab herself in the scalp. Self-Report 3/22/17 3/23/17 12/27/17 1/26/18 1/3/18 1/3/18 (pdf)
9517-0052 (pdf) Accused left her one to one assignment of the victim who was experiencing suicidal ideations, allowing him to elope from the house. Self-Report 5/10/17 5/10/17 8/3/18 9/2/18 9/5/18 9/5/18 (pdf)
9518-0023 (pdf) Accused punched the victim in the stomach because he refused to move from a chair. Self-Report 10/11/17 10/11/17 3/8/18 4/7/18 3/23/18 3/23/18
9518-0033 (pdf) Accused failed to properly supervise the victim, allowing him to elope from the home in 25° weather. Self-Report 11/30/17 11/30/17 2/13/18 3/15/18 3/1/18 3/1/18 (pdf)
9518-0067 (pdf) Accused, while on one to one supervision of the victim, watched while the victim rubbed off a bandage and began to bleed without providing any assistance. Self-Report 4/4/18 4/5/18 9/5/18 10/5/18 9/7/18 9/7/18 (pdf)

* - Click Case # for executive summary of case report

** - Click Final Approval Date for final version of written response

Please note:  Only substantiated cases with written response due dates after January 1, 2018 are posted and, then, only after the written response due date is reached.