8/15/2017 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
The Bureau of Accessibility and Job Accommodation (BAJA) and the Illinois ADA Project host an ADA Distance Learning session on "Putting Accessibility Law in your Pocket: the Digital Accessibility Legal Update." This session will review recent legal developments involving the civil rights of disabled people to access digital content. Up-to-date news about court decisions, Structured Negotiation settlements, laws, and regulations impacting digital accessibility will be discussed.
Lainey Feingold, Attorney, Law Office of Lainey Feingold
CE Recognition: Certificate of Attendance
To Register
The program is free to those who call and register. You must pre-register with the Bureau of Accessibility and Job Accommodation prior to the training date in order to receive the dial-in number and pass code.
Please contact the Bureau of Accessibility and Job Accommodation at one of the following numbers:
(312) 793-0034 (Voice)
(312) 793-3917 (FAX)
(888) 614-2385 (TTY)
Reasonable Accommodations
If you are requesting a reasonable accommodation, please contact the Bureau of Accessibility and Job Accommodation and specify what form of accommodation is needed at least two weeks prior to the training date.