Guidance for Determining CILA Home type and Individual CILA Home Registration
Illinois Department of Human Services - Information Bulletin
Division of Developmental Disabilities and BALC.18-003.
Bureau of Accreditation Licensure and Certification
Guidance for Determining CILA Home type and Individually Controlled CILA Home Registration
This Information Bulletin serves to remind providers of the criteria to determine if a Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) dwelling is Individually Controlled as set forth in 59 Illinois Administrative Code, Part 115 Community Integrated Living Arrangements.
Prior to initial authorization of CILA services or after a person has moved to a new CILA, the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) will verify with the Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure, and Certification (BALC) that the current or proposed residential dwelling is on the BALC database of approved CILA homes. A person must be authorized by the DDD prior to initiation of any CILA services by a CILA provider.
Clarification of Living Arrangements for a Person to Receive CILA Services:
Agency Controlled CILA Sites:
No more than eight (8) people with disabilities may reside at, and be served in, any dwelling that is owned, leased, rented, and/or managed by the licensed CILA agency or related affiliate regardless of program, funding source, or provider. This includes all forms of CILA services [i.e., 24 hour, host family, family intermittent and/or intermittent]. [59 Ill. Adm. Code 115.300 c) 2) and 115.310 c)]
Individually Controlled CILA Sites:
A maximum of eight (8) people with disabilities receiving twenty-four hour services and supports may reside at, and be served in, any site that is individually controlled regardless of program, funding source, or provider. More than eight (8) people may receive intermittent services in an individually controlled site so long as no more than eight (8) people in total receive twenty-four hour services at this site. [59 Ill. Adm. Code 115.300 c) 2), 115.300 d) and 115.310 c)]
An individually controlled CILA "site"/home is defined by the DDD as a living arrangement that is owned, leased, rented, and/or managed by the person funded for CILA services or their guardian as applicable. The person may choose the provider delivering services to him/her at the home and may change providers without having to leave the CILA home, if desired. The licensed CILA agency or related affiliate does not direct, persuade, or require the person to move to or from any living arrangement. Nor does a CILA provider direct, persuade, or require who may or may not live with the person being served in CILA.
Questions to help determine whether a CILA site is agency or individually controlled include, but are not limited to:
- Is the property owner the CILA Provider for this person?
- Is the property owner a subsidiary or related company to the CILA Provider?
- Is the property owner affiliated with the CILA Provider?
- Did the CILA agency execute/sign the lease or rental agreement?
- Will/Does the CILA agency pay the rent?
- Does the CILA Agency have any financial responsibility for the CILA site?
- Who determines if anyone else lives at the site?
- Who determines if any other occupant(s) will live at the site?
- Who determines who will live at the site?
- Who makes decisions about the site?
NOTE: If the answer to any question above is "Yes" or "Agency" then the site is not individually controlled.
The DDD will now require CILA agencies to submit documentation when claiming a CILA site is individually controlled. A copy of the rental agreement, lease, and/or other property ownership documentation executed between the person to receive CILA services or their guardian as applicable, and the property owner or financial institution to the BALC office in Chicago. People currently funded for CILA services and claimed to be in an individually controlled site will also have their rental and/or lease agreements reviewed by the BALC personnel. BALC personnel will inspect individually Controlled homes during surveys, and complaint follow up. If a home is determined to be agency controlled, that home will then be subject to inspections by the Office of the State Fire Marshal and IDHS-BALC.
The information provided by the Bureau of Accreditation Licensure and Certification within the Illinois Department of Human Services is intended for the use and convenience of interested persons. The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.
Enclosed is a copy of the Control Document for Individual Controlled home registration. The completed Individual Control form can be faxed to BALC at (312) 793-4731.
Effective Date
These procedures are effective immediately with the release of this Information Bulletin.