Family Size 2 School-Age Co-payment
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$0-542 |
$1.00 |
543-677 |
1.50 |
678-812 |
5.50 |
813-948 |
9.00 |
949-1083 |
14.00 |
1084-1218 |
20.00 |
1219-1354 |
27.00 |
1355-1489 |
35.00 |
1490-1624 |
44.00 |
1625-1760 |
53.50 |
1761-1895 |
64.50 |
1896-2030 |
76.50 |
2031-2166 |
89.00 |
2167-2193 |
103.00 |
Approval of new applications is closed for all income levels listed below, effective November 9, 2015, unless a family receives TANF, has a Special Needs child or is a Teen Parent in high school or GED full time. Families that submit a change of information or redetermination will be income eligible if they fall within the levels below.
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$2194-2301 |
$103.00 |
2302-2436 |
117.50 |
2437-2504 |
127.00 |
Family Size 3 School-Age Co-Payment
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$0-681 |
$1.00 |
682-851 |
1.50 |
852-1021 |
7.00 |
1022-1192 |
11.00 |
1193-1362 |
17.50 |
1363-1532 |
25.00 |
1533-1702 |
34.00 |
1703-1872 |
44.00 |
1873-2042 |
55.00 |
2043-2213 |
67.50 |
2214-2383 |
81.00 |
2384-2553 |
96.00 |
2554-2723 |
112.00 |
2724-2757 |
129.50 |
Approval of new applications is closed for all income levels listed below, effective November 9, 2015, unless a family receives TANF, has a Special Needs child or is a Teen Parent in high school or GED full time. Families that submit a change of information or redetermination will be income eligible if they fall within the levels below.
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$2758-2893 |
129.50 |
2894-3063 |
148.00 |
3064-3149 |
160.00 |
Family Size 4 School-Age Co-Payment
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$0-820 |
$1.00 |
821-1025 |
1.50 |
1026-1230 |
8.50 |
1231-1435 |
13.50 |
1436-1640 |
21.00 |
1641-1845 |
30.00 |
1846-2050 |
40.50 |
2051-2265 |
52.50 |
2256-2460 |
66.50 |
2461-2665 |
81.00 |
2666-2870 |
97.50 |
2871-3075 |
115.50 |
3076-3280 |
135.00 |
3281-3321 |
156.00 |
Approval of new applications is closed for all income levels listed below, effective November 9, 2015, unless a family receives TANF, has a Special Needs child or is a Teen Parent in high school or GED full time. Families that submit a change of information or redetermination will be income eligible if they fall within the levels below.
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$3322-3485 |
156.00 |
3486-3690 |
178.50 |
3691-3793 |
192.50 |
Family Size 5 School-Age Co-Payment
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$0-960 |
$1.00 |
961-1200 |
1.50 |
1201-1439 |
10.00 |
1440-1679 |
16.00 |
1680-1919 |
24.50 |
1920-2159 |
35.50 |
2160-2399 |
47.50 |
2400-2639 |
61.50 |
2640-2878 |
77.50 |
2879-3118 |
95.00 |
3119-3358 |
114.50 |
3359-3598 |
135.50 |
3599-3838 |
158.00 |
3839-3886 |
182.50 |
Approval of new applications is closed for all income levels listed below, effective November 9, 2015, unless a family receives TANF, has a Special Needs child or is a Teen Parent in high school or GED full time. Families that submit a change of information or redetermination will be income eligible if they fall within the levels below.
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$3887-4078 |
$182.50 |
4079-4317 |
208.50 |
4318-4437 |
225.50 |
Family Size 6 School-Age Co-Payment
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$0-1099 |
$1.00 |
1100-1374 |
1.50 |
1375-1648 |
11.50 |
1649-1923 |
18.00 |
1924-2198 |
28.00 |
2199-2472 |
40.50 |
2473-2747 |
54.50 |
2748-3022 |
70.50 |
3023-3296 |
89.00 |
3297-3571 |
109.00 |
3572-3846 |
131.00 |
3847-4120 |
155.00 |
4121-4395 |
181.0 |
4396-4450 |
209.00 |
Approval of new applications is closed for all income levels listed below, effective November 9, 2015, unless a family receives TANF, has a Special Needs child or is a Teen Parent in high school or GED full time. Families that submit a change of information or redetermination will be income eligible if they fall within the levels below.
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
4451-4670 |
209.00 |
4671-4944 |
239.00 |
4945-5082 |
258.00 |
Family Size 7 School-Age Co-Payment
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$0-1238 |
$1.00 |
1239-1548 |
1.50 |
1549-1857 |
13.00 |
1858-2167 |
20.50 |
2168-2476 |
32.00 |
2477-2786 |
45.50 |
2787-3095 |
61.50 |
3096-3405 |
79.50 |
3406-3714 |
100.00 |
3715-4024 |
122.50 |
4025-4333 |
147.50 |
4334-4643 |
174.50 |
4644-4952 |
204.00 |
4953-5014 |
235.50 |
Approval of new applications is closed for all income levels listed below, effective November 9, 2015, unless a family receives TANF, has a Special Needs child or is a Teen Parent in high school or GED full time. Families that submit a change of information or redetermination will be income eligible if they fall within the levels below.
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$5015-5262 |
235.50 |
5263-5571 |
269.00 |
5572-5726 |
291.00 |
Family Size 8 School-Age Co-payment
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$0-1378 |
$1.00 |
1379-1722 |
1.50 |
1723-2066 |
14.00 |
2067-2411 |
22.50 |
2412-2755 |
35.50 |
2756-3099 |
50.50 |
3100-3444 |
68.50 |
3445-3788 |
86.50 |
3789-4132 |
111.50 |
4133-4477 |
136.50 |
4478-4821 |
164.00 |
4822-5165 |
194.00 |
5166-5510 |
227.00 |
5511-5579 |
262.00 |
Approval of new applications is closed for all income levels listed below, effective November 9, 2015, unless a family receives TANF, has a Special Needs child or is a Teen Parent in high school or GED full time. Families that submit a change of information or redetermination will be income eligible if they fall within the levels below.
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$5580-5854 |
$262.00 |
5855-6198 |
299.50 |
6199-6371 |
323.50 |
Family Size 9 School-Age Co-payment
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-pay |
$0-1517 |
$1.00 |
1518-1896 |
1.50 |
1897-2275 |
15.50 |
2276-2655 |
25.00 |
2656-3034 |
39.00 |
3035-3413 |
56.00 |
3414-3792 |
75.50 |
3793-4171 |
97.50 |
4172-4550 |
122.50 |
4551-4930 |
150.50 |
4931-5309 |
180.50 |
5310-5688 |
214.00 |
5689-6067 |
250.00 |
6068-6142 |
288.50 |
Approval of new applications is closed for all income levels listed below, effective November 9, 2015, unless a family receives TANF, has a Special Needs child or is a Teen Parent in high school or GED full time. Families that submit a change of information or redetermination will be income eligible if they fall within the levels below.
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$6144-6446 |
$288.50 |
6447-6825 |
330.00 |
6826-7015 |
356.50 |
Family Size 10 School-Age Co-Payment
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$0-1656 |
$1.00 |
1657-2070 |
1.50 |
2071-2484 |
17.00 |
2485-2898 |
27.00 |
2899-3312 |
42.50 |
3313-3726 |
61.00 |
3727-4140 |
82.00 |
4141-4554 |
106.50 |
4555-4968 |
134.00 |
4969-5382 |
164.00 |
5383-5796 |
197.50 |
5797-6210 |
233.50 |
6211-6624 |
272.50 |
6625-6707 |
315.00 |
Approval of new applications is closed for all income levels listed below, effective November 9, 2015, unless a family receives TANF, has a Special Needs child or is a Teen Parent in high school or GED full time. Families that submit a change of information or redetermination will be income eligible if they fall within the levels below.
Monthly Income |
Monthly Co-Pay |
$6708-7038 |
$315.00 |
7039-7452 |
360.00 |
7453-7659 |
389.00 |