Department of Human Services Information Bulletin
Division of Developmental DisabilitiesJune 16, 2017
Referrals of Adults to Medically Complex Facilities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (formerly known as Long-Term Care Under Age 22; commonly known as Skilled Nursing Facilities for Pediatrics (SNF/Peds))
The Division is issuing this Information Bulletin to clear any confusion regarding the referral of adults with developmental disabilities to Medically Complex Facilities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (MC/DD). Referrals of adults to these facilities are allowed under current regulations.
Effective July 29, 2015, Public Act 99-180 was enacted to amend Health Facilities and Regulations 210 ILCS 46/. The statute now states:
This Act provides for the licensure of medically complex for the developmentally disabled facilities. On and after the effective date of this Act, long-term care for under age 22 facilities shall be known and licensed as medically complex for the developmentally disabled facilities under this Act instead of the ID/DD Community Care Act. On the effective date of this Act, any long-term care for under age 22 facility that holds a valid license on the effective date of this Act shall be granted a license as a medically complex for the developmentally disabled facility and shall not be licensed as a long-term care for under age 22 facility under the ID/DD Community Care Act.
Prior to the enactment of PA99-180, these facilities were referred to in many contexts with the title, Skilled Nursing Facilities for Pediatrics-Under Age 22. This title is still used in current regulations. We believe the title has caused confusion among some Independent Service Coordination agencies as to whether individuals aged 22 and older can be referred to these facilities.
The multiple Departments in charge of the regulations will be working to amend the reference as time permits. In the meantime, ISC agencies may and should refer both children and adults to these facilities as individuals' eligibility, needs, and preferences dictate. In the context of this Bulletin, "adults" includes individuals ages 18 through 21, as well as individuals age 22 and above. There is not any language in the current regulations, nor has there been any language in the regulations in recent past, that limit admissions for these facilities by age.
This Bulletin is intended to clarify and correct any misconceptions about referrals of adult individuals with developmental disabilities to MC/DD Facilities. It is effective immediately and does not create a change in policy or procedures.