Process for Adding GATA Budget Signoff Authority

Beginning in FY19, only one signature is required on the GATA Budget. The signature of the CEO/Executive Director or CFO (or equivalent) is acceptable.

Please ensure that the Executive Director (or equivalent) is a registered user in the CSA Tracking System prior to requesting approval rights.

  1. If CSA Tracking System access is needed, register following the instructions here: How to Register for the CSA Tracking System.
    If CSA Tracking System access already exists
    , proceed to Step 2. 
  2. After the Executive Director's CSA Tracking System registration is approved, send an email to requesting GATA Budget Signoff Authority. Do not request GATA Budget Signoff Authority until CSA access has been approved.  The email request should include the following information:
    • The Name and FEIN of the organization;
    • The name and job title of the organization's employee requesting the access for the Executive Director (or equivalent) named in the next dot point; and
    • The name and External ID of the Executive Director (or equivalent) who will be approving budgets for the provider.
  3. DHSOCA will respond to your email when GATA Budget Signoff Authority is approved. 

No Budget Signoff Authority will be granted via phone or in the comments section of CSA Registration. All requests need to be made via email at

The CSA Tracking System can be accessed using the following web link: CSA Tracking System Provider Web Portal