Benefits Planning Services and Information:
What is a Work Incentive?
Special rules make it possible for people with disabilities receiving Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to work and still receive monthly payments and Medicare or Medicaid. Social Security calls these rules "work incentives." Below are the rules that apply under each program.
SSDI & SSI Work Incentives
SSDI Work Incentives
SSI Work Incentives
Learn about more details about work incentives.
Illinois' Benefits Planning Resources:
What is Work Incentives Planning and Assistance?
We are a federally funded program created to help individuals receiving SSI/SSDI make informed choices about being employed.
If you are working, have a job offer or ready to start employment, we will help you understand how working is affecting your benefits.
We will explain Social Security work incentives in addition to state benefits, such as Medicaid, subsidized housing, TANF, food stamps, worker's compensation and unemployment benefits. Our Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Program will give you the information you need to make the best choice about your future.
Who is Eligible?
Anyone who gets Social Security disability benefits (SSI/SSDI) between age 14 and retirement age, and wants to go to work is eligible to get free benefits planning services.
Check Out Your Options
If you are working, have a job offer or ready to start employment, you may be concerned about what will happen to your benefits. A Community Work Incentive Coordinator (CWIC) can help you understand the process, and inform you about work incentives such as the extension of Medicaid or Medicare benefits while you work.
CWIC's can:
- provide work incentives planning and assistance;
- help beneficiaries and their families determine eligibility for Federal or State work incentives programs;
- refer beneficiaries with disabilities to appropriate Employment Networks or State VR agencies;
- provide general information about potential employer-based or federally subsidized health benefits coverage available once you enter the workforce;
- and inform beneficiaries with disabilities of protection and advocacy services.
For More Information
WIPA services effective August 2015 are for SSA Disability Beneficiaries currently working, have a job offer, or are seriously ready to start employment. Those SSA Disability Beneficiaries needing general information about going to work are encouraged to contact the WIPA Call Center at 866-968-7842.
Contact the IATP WIPA Program toll free at (800) 852-5110(voice/tty), (217) 522-7985 or email us at
Statewide Resource (other than the city of Chicago):
DRS Clients can request benefits analysis from Kaylee Raymond:
City of Chicago via Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities:
Analysis of Social Security Benefits
MOPD's ESU staff provides one-on-one comprehensive benefits analysis to SSI/SSDI recipients with disabilities on the affects of working and receiving benefits.
A benefits analysis can be scheduled by appointment. This service is provided for job seeking individuals with disabilities as well as youth in transition between the ages of 14-22.
For more information, please contact the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities Employment Services Unit at (312)746-5743 (voice) or (312)746-5739.