Intergovernmental Support Services - All Funds

FY18 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds


Appropriation Name FY17 Est. Exp. FY18 Adj. FY18 Request
Contractual - Leased Property Mgmt $42,259.3 $42,259.3
EDP - DoIT Services $70,262.1 $9,737.9 $80,000.0
Framework Project Program $10,000.0 $10,000.0
CMS Fleet Management $2,026.8 $2,026.8
CMS Graphic Design Mgmt $56.7 $56.7
CMS Press Info Officers Mgmt $206.0 $206.0
CMS Upward Mobility Program $750.0 $750.0
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Prg $43,642.2 ($9,142.2) $34,500.0
Gov's Off of Health Innovation & Transformation $160.0 $160.0
Grants Accountability Transparency Non-DHS $803.9 $803.9
Payments to Non-DHS Government Services $64,500.0 ($64,500.0)
Non PS&F Subtotal $233,863.1 ($63,100.4) $170,762.7
Total Appropriation $233,863.1 ($63,100.4) $170,762.7

FY18 Adjustments

Adjustments Description Amount
EDP - DoIT Services Annualized cost of Retirement at 54.013% and Group Insurance at $24,000 per person $9,737.9
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Prg Decrease in anticipated liability ($9,142.2)
Grants Accountability Transparency Non-DHS Establish funding for payments related to Grants Accountability Transparency $803.9
Payments to Non-DHS Government Services Decrease in anticipated liability ($64,500.0)