November 14, 2017 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


November 14, 2017, 9:00am to 1:00pm


  • 401 S Clinton
    Chicago, IL
  • Call In: 888-4944032
    Code: 5329547331#


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Fiscal Updates
    1. YTD FY18 Spending
  4. Program Updates
    1. 2018 Committee Schedule
    2. DMC
      1. Committee Update
      2. Redeploy/IJJC Collaboration
      3. DMC Training and Technical Assistance
    3. JDAI
    4. JJ Councils
    5. Compliance Monitoring
  5. Project Updates
    1. Training and Technical Assistance to JJ Councils
    2. Transfer Data Reporting
    3. Girls Grant (Adolescent Domestic Battery Model Arrest Protocol)
  6. New Business
    1. IJOA Conference
  7. Board Members
  8. Three Year Plan/28 assurances
  9. Audit
  10. Legislative Updates
  11. Public Comment
  12. Next Meeting
    January 17, 2018
  13. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 9:06am.
  2. Roll Call
    Committee Members: IJJC Chairperson George Timberlake; Planning and Grants Chairperson Lisa Jacobs; Commissioners: George Hill, Julie Biehl, Shelley Davis, Rick Velasquez, Jaqueline Bullard, Mary Reynolds, Patrick Nelson, Angela Rudolph, Dana Weiner, Rodney Ahitow. Quorum present.
    Staff: Staff: Wendy Nussbaum, Julie Stremlau, and Edna Metcalf.
    Guests: Susan Witkin, Amanda McMillen, Olivia Wilks and Danielle Kindle.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs moved to postpone approval of the Planning and Grants Committee Meeting minutes until a few edits could be made prior to the next Executive Committee Meeting. The Commission agreed.
    Commissioner Jacobs stated that page two of the Juvenile Justice Commission Meeting minutes requires a change in wording. Commissioner Hill motioned to approve the minutes with edits. Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
  4. Fiscal Updates
    1. YTD FY18 Spending
      Wendy Nussbaum reported that Lurie's and Effingham have still not reported any expenditures. The data documents roughly three months of spending, so all expenditures should be at roughly 25%. Wendy Nussbaum stated that ICJIA is low and CPD is around 15%. ICOY is on target while SAG money has not been finalized. Amanda McMillen stated that this is because the amendment to the contract has not been submitted from the state. Overall spending is behind at 19%. Wendy Nussbaum stated that she added PREA at the bottom of the chart. Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs noted that there is no discretion for how this is spent.
      Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs stated that expenditures are happening at a good pace. Additionally, based on fiscal reports, the Commission is operating on a very small amount of federal funding. Understanding of this can be built into three-year planning, with a plan for submitting this plan in March of 2018. Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs asked the Planning and Grants Committee to consider what tasks will be taken on and reported to the full Commission. Commissioner Hill asked if a three-year plan will be necessary and Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs reported that it is required by the statute. Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs stated that there are a number of things for the commission to focus on: compliance around the four core requirements; the 28 assurances; priorities, activities, and goals; and budget allocation.
      Commissioner Velasquez clarified that all funds adhere to a formula. Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs added that this formula is objective rather than subjective; it is based on youth population obtained from the U.S. Census rather than performance. Thus, funding will likely stay relatively consistent. Wendy Nussbaum stated that funding could reduce by 20% for each compliance target that is not met.
      Commissioner Velasquez commented that IJJC and Redeploy are beginning to work together on two main things: DMC and incarceration. Thus, it may be helpful to strategize in ways that help these two groups to work together better. Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs summarized that there is a changing federal landscape and a changed juvenile justice landscape in Illinois. Thus, now that many targets have been met, it is important to consider new targets in shaping the three-year plan.
      Olivia Wilks pointed out that, regarding compliance, the current number of violations is at 226. There are two or three sites that have not reported for September, but they are very low. It is projected that violations will be well under the de minimis, if it remains similar FY16 de minimis of 282. Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs stated, that when considering quantitative compliance, it is important to tie this to quality of care.
      Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs asked the Commission if it would make sense at the next meeting to discuss the following: reform targets within the past decade; what has been done; what has changed; what is left to do; and then discuss the general juvenile justice landscape to determine next steps with partnerships. Commissioner Velasquez added that it will also be important to consider what the Commission's investment has been. IJJC Chairperson Timberlake added that it is important to then consider what leverage has been obtained from investments. Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs stated that it is important to consider who is included in conversations; Commissioner Hill stated that it may be important to consider consolidating the stakeholder talents that are focused on juvenile justice issues. Commissioner Velasquez and IJJC Chairperson Timberlake commented that there are both costs and benefits to doing this.
      Commissioner Hill motioned to propose this planning at the full Commission meeting in January. Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. Motion approved.
      Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn the Planning and Grants Committee Meeting. Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs seconded the motion. Planning and Grants Committee Meeting adjourned at 10:07am.
  5. Program Updates
    1. Committees 2018 Schedule Review
      The Commission discussed plans and issues pertaining to the upcoming 2018 meeting schedule. Shelley Davis stated that it is important to have a concrete 2018 calendar for meetings so that meeting dates are not changed frequently. Commissioner Jacobs stated that additional Planning and Grants meeting times or meeting lengths will be necessary for at least the first few months of 2018.
      Commissioner Jacobs summarized that the plan is to proceed with the calendar schedule as discussed: back-to-back Planning and Grants Committee and full Commission meetings alternating with Planning and Grants Committee and Executive Committee meetings, with some stand-alone Planning and Grants Committee meetings. The Planning and Grants meeting times will be two hours in length, starting at 9:00am.
    2. DMC
      1. Committee Update
        Olivia Wilks reported that the DMC Committee is reviewing and rewriting the letter to be sent to CPD and CPS regarding SROs. The letter does not incorporate some of the alternatives that they would like to suggest, so it is being reworked with this in mind. ICOY is also looking at Rahm Emanuel's new budget to determine what is available to address the needs regarding SROs. ICOY has also been talking to Strategies for Youth (SFY), considering statewide interventions to support rewriting policies and procedures for law enforcement and schools. The Shriver Center reached out to ICOY stating that they will push a bill mandating training for SROs as well as an MOU Lindsey Draper, the previous consultant for OJJDP, recommended reaching out to coordinators for the Fair and Impartial Policing curriculum recently implemented in Naperville. Olivia has been in conversation with the creators of this curriculum and is planning how this could be integrated in a statewide DMC plan. Olivia Wilks stated that the DMC Committee is meeting on a regular basis.
        Olivia Wilks reported that ICOY is collecting the data required for the OJJDP DMC report due in February. ICOY is currently finishing contract negotiation with Solution Specialties, which will collect data from 17 counties and Redeploy has asked 42 counties for DMC data. Olivia Wilks is reaching out to the remaining 44 counties in hopes of obtaining more data than last year. Olivia Wilks reported that there is some challenge in the variability of how data is collected, indicating collaboration with Redeploy going forward will help with this. Olivia Wilks also commented that if a county has Tracker installed, they must pay for their own data, causing another challenge for counties. It may be helpful to put this in the budget plan going forward. IJJC Chairperson Timberlake stated that JWatch is free. IJJC Chairperson Timberlake also asked if DHS is aware that the AO is no longer requiring Probation Departments to use the YASI. . Olivia Wilks clarified that data collection is for Calendar Year 2016.
      2. Redeploy/IJJC Collaboration
        Commissioner Velasquez stated that more collaboration may be happening between IJJC and Redeploy in the future. This will be determined at the next RIOB meeting Friday, November 17th.
      3. DMC Training and Technical Assistance
        Olivia Wilks stated that she has been putting together a DMC guide and template that will help sites go through the process that OJJDP would like to happen. This guide will also include appendices of model programs. She stated that it may help to start the DMC planning process after this data has been obtained in January or February.
    3. JDAI
      Commissioner Velasquez indicated that the next JDAI committee meeting on January 9, 2018.
    4. JJ Councils
      Commissioner Jacobs reported that the JJ Councils have been discussing meeting planning, with a focus on incorporating DMC. The first on-site technical assistance meeting is in DeKalb in early December. The goal will be to have a data snapshot at this meeting, which will facilitate a discussion on this data. There will also be a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis at this meeting. This will lead to a local juvenile justice plan. Commissioner Jacobs summarized three lessons that are to be applied on the juvenile side: coming to them with a data presentation that can build capacity and spark interest and investment; outside facilitation; and SWOT analysis to consider structure and process of doing business. This plan is due to the Commission's bandwidth and as an attempt to meet sites where they are. Those who will be present at this meeting include Commissioner Jacobs, Peg Robertson, Susan Witkin, and Olivia Wilks.
      Commissioner Velasquez asked if there is a follow-up plan after this meeting. Wendy Nussbaum clarified that multiple meetings are scheduled. Dana Weiner added that it will be important to consider who outside of the core group of people should be included in these conversations. Commissioner Jacobs stated that 3 of 7 sites are also Redeploy sites.
    5. Compliance Monitoring
      Olivia Wilks reported that 2 major sites were responsible for the majority of reductions in compliance violations. On the south side, one site was using arrest times and travel times. Another district near Belmont and Western does not have the proper paperwork and is thus using arrest times. Commissioner Jacobs stated that it was thought that sites were getting close to the de minimis allowance for jail removal violations. However, Dick Walsh researched this and learned that there were issues with recording incorrect times, leading to a drop in jail removal violations. Dick Walsh does not project many more violations for the two remaining jurisdictions to report. Olivia Wilks stated that the de minimis allowance should be reported within the next week or two. Commissioner Velasquez stated that disaggregated jail removal violation data will help the Commission and JDAI in other areas. IJJC Chairperson Timberlake stated that it would also be helpful to know the age range of the violations.
  6. Project Updates
    1. Training and Technical Assistance to JJ Councils
    2. Transfer Data Reporting
      Susan Witkin reported that they have sent out verifications for 2016 transfers. She has collected data from January through June of 2017 and have sent out letters to all counties asking for verification. The response rate has been slow, but all except for one have lined up with data from the Clerk's office. Susan also has contacted the Cook County Public Defender, which led to adding around 29 additional transfers. With the exception of Cook and one other county, the data appear to be correct.
    3. Girls Grant (Adolescent Domestic Battery Model Arrest Protocol)
      Wendy Nussbaum stated that they are moving forward with a specific adolescent arrest protocol. Language will be added to the general protocol and a specific adolescent protocol will be created. Protocols in both Florida and Washington D.C. have been used as guides for this process. Wendy Nussbaum will meet with providers in Chicago and Bloomington, and then meet with the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence Springfield before developing this protocol.
      Commissioner Jacobs stated that there is national attention building around this. The American Bar Association did a feature story in November around girls in crisis, featuring the work of the Girls Grant. This work is also building on the Commission's investments in site-based work. Commissioner Jacobs added that the data also tells us that this work is DMC work. Thus, in addition to the statewide impact, there will likely be a national impact from this work.
  7. New Business
    1. IJOA Conference
      Wendy Nussbaum stated that there has not been a decision made about financially supporting this conference. There will now be a plenary session, meaning that this will be the opening session. The plan is to address problematic sexual behavior, presented as a panel. Wendy Nussbaum reported that they would submit a request for partial sponsorship if there is a commitment to invest in this relationship beyond the conference. There appears to be interest in such an agreement. Commissioner Velasquez stated that the travel expenses for the panelists will not need to be reimbursed.
      Commissioner Jacobs motioned for conference sponsorship of up to $5K, with the expenses for the speakers being drawn out elsewhere. This would include a proposal for the expectations from IJOA. IJJC Chairperson Timberlake seconded this motion. Motion passed.
      Wendy Nussbaum will check with Karrie Reuter to make sure that there will not be any issues in regard to NOFO and GATA.
  8. Board Members
    No Update.
  9. Three Year Plan/28 assurances
    IJJC Chairperson Timberlake stated that, in January, there will be a large meeting scheduled for input from grantees regarding a three-year plan. Attendance at this is highly suggested.
    Commissioner Jacobs stated that there are four issues that need to be addressed:
    1. Compliance and how we monitor around the care of youth.
    2. OJJDP's 28 assurances to which the Commission must adhere.
    3. Commission priorities and goals for the next three years, which what activities and grants may be funded.
    4. Budget development.
  10. Audit
    Wendy Nussbaum stated that the State of Illinois has been chosen for an OJJDP program and financial audit on December 6th and 7th.The auditors would like to meet with the members of the State Advisory Group (the Commission) including Judge Timberlake. There will also be a site-visit to facilitate meetings with Edna Metcalf, Dick Walsh, Olivia Wilks, and Amanda McMillen.
  11. Legislative Updates
    None noted.
  12. Public Comment
    None heard.
  13. Next Meeting
    January 17, 2018
  14. Adjourn
    Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn. IJJC Chairperson Timberlake seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 11:17am.