September 19, 2017 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


September 19, 2017, 2:00pm to 4:00pm


  • 401 S Clinton
    4th Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL
  • Call In: 888-4944032
    Code: 5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Fiscal Updates
    1. FY17 Final Spending
    2. YTD FY18 Spending
    3. ICOY Proposed Contract Revision
    4. DOC Contract
  5. Program Updates
    1. DMC
      1. Committee Update
      2. Redeploy/IJJC Collaboration
      3. ICOY Hire
      4. DMC Training and Technical Assistance
    2. JDAI
    3. JJ Councils
    4. Compliance Monitoring
  6. Project Updates
    1. Training and Technical Assistance to JJ Councils
    2. Transfer Data Reporting
    3. Girls Grant (Adolescent Domestic Battery Model Arrest Protocol)
    4. IL Mental Health Opportunities for Youth Diversion Task Force
  7. New Business
    1. IJOA Conference
    2. Three Year Plan/28 assurances
  8. Legislative Updates
  9. Public Comment
  10. Next Meeting
    November 15, 2017
  11. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 2:10pm.
  2. Roll Call
    Commission Members: George Timberlake, Chairperson, Lisa Jacobs, Vice Chairperson, George Hill, Julie Biehl, Rick Velasquez, Esther Franco-Payne, Shelley Davis, Jacqueline Bullard, Rodney Ahitow, Dana Weiner , Mary Reynolds. Quorum present. 
    Staff: Wendy Nussbaum, Executive Director, IJJC; Julie Stremlau, Youth Intervention Services, DHS. Guests: Amanda McMillen, ICOY; Olivia Wilks, ICOY; Susan Witkin. UIC; Justin Escamilla, ICJIA; Erica Hughes, DHS; Kristen Marshall, DHS.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Hill motioned to approve the August minutes. Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
  4. Fiscal Updates
    1. FY17 Final Spending:
      Chairperson Timberlake reported that the Commission came close to spending the FY17 budget.
    2. YTD FY18 Spending:
      Chairperson Timberlake indicated that $20,000 remains in the budget allocated for Lurie. Commissioner Velasquez reported that this project has received some private funding and will be expanding the number of police districts they work with. Commissioner Jacobs asked whether it was too early for the Commission to learn more about its program design and Commissioner Velasquez requested the Commission wait until they have a high level of confidence in their data and suggested meeting in early 2018.
    3. ICOY Proposed Contract Revision:
      Commissioner Jacobs and Commissioner Velasquez recused themselves from this discussion as ICOY Board members. Chairperson Timberlake asked the commission to consider increasing the ICOY contract from $170,000 to $190,000 to cover travel and other expenses for Commissioners. The Commission moved to approve the budgetary amendment, Commissioner Hill second this motion, the motion was approved with 2 abstentions.
    4. DOC Contract:
      Chairperson Timberlake indicated that DOC has committed to continue compliance monitoring for no cost. Chairperson Timberlake suggested creating an intergovernmental DOC agreement. Wendy offered that if there were other inspection information the Commission was interested in they could request this from DOC for reports.
  5. Program Updates
    1. DMC
      1. Committee Update
        Commissioner Franco-Payne discussed a forum held in July discussing the school-to-prison pipeline and the role of SROs. Michelle Mbekeani-Wiley presented on behalf of the Shriver Center. The Forum resulted in recommendations created through discussions between stakeholders around school discipline and its impact on young people. Going forward, the Committee would like to think about how to receive feedback from the broader community to support these recommendations.
        Commissioner Franco-Payne discussed Committee collaboration with Redeploy, specifically with Kristen Marshall and Erica Hughes. Commissioner Franco-Payne discussed the smaller committee of technical assistance and suggested that the Commission should build out what expectations are for councils.
    2. Redeploy/IJJC Collaboration:
      Kristen Marshall and Erica Hughes indicated that they would be visiting each Redeploy site by December 2017 to gauge data collection capacity and to build relationships. They indicated that they are using information from Models for Change, Casey Foundation, and OJJDP and have found 7 areas in which research indicates disproportionality. They reported on the importance of treating each site individually based on their specific needs. They called for greater outreach and communication with local law enforcement. Kristen and Erica have requested that sites disaggregate their data in order to pinpoint problem areas to inform strategic intervention.
      Wendy Nussbaum reminded the Commission that OJJDP offers free training to participating states and suggested that Redeploy and IJJC could access their training and technical assistance in a joint meeting. While attending the DC training Wendy learned of Lindsey Draper, a contractor with OJJDP that could provide training and technical assistance. Judge Timberlake asked Wendy to reach out to Lindsey to begin the conversation. The Commission discussed the importance of forming a strategy before bringing in OJJDP, indicating that a working group could be responsible for creating this broader strategy.
    3. ICOY Hire
      Chairperson Timberlake introduced the new Director of Juvenile Justice Programs at ICOY who will be providing support to the Commission, Olivia Wilks.  
    4. Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI)
      Commissioner Velasquez reported on the important role Karima Douglas and Angie Jimenez from ICOY played in their connections at a local level and noted the transition the Commission is facing. Commissioner Velasquez discussed the positive impact of the listening tour that Karima, Angie, and Susan Witkin from UIC went on to better understand local issues. Commissioner Velasquez suggested that this transition is an opportunity for greater partnership between the Commission and Redeploy. Commissioner Velasquez suggested that the Commission organize around a 4-point strategy, the structure they had taken in previous years.
      The Commission discussed Redeploy's budget and brainstormed other populations that could be targeted potentially including the detention population. There is an upcoming JDAI conference in November and the Commission discussed whether it would be appropriate for the new DMC coordinator to attend.
    5. JJ Councils:
      Chairperson Timberlake offered a quick overview referencing what was covered in the Planning and Grants Committee meeting.
    6. Compliance Monitoring
      Wendy Nussbaum reported that there were 56 violations in July and 69 in August at monitored facilities. The Commission discussed how Dick Walsh and his compliance support could hopefully decrease these numbers. These numbers do not include DJJ inspections of detention centers, except for maybe one.
      Chairperson Timberlake suggested the Commission take a closer look into DJJ transport of arrestees on warrants as there was an incident where a sheriff released a youth because there was no facility willing or able to take them. The Commission noted that Sangamon and Champaign were the only counties with more than one status offender violation.
  6. Project Updates
    1. Training and Technical Assistance to JJ Councils
      Commissioner Jacobs called for the Commission to develop strategic and implementable training and technical assistance that would include developing a template and key elements that would be important to a data-driven local plan. Commissioner Jacobs reported the challenge local jurisdictions face in monitoring race and ethnic disparity and the necessity of the Commission to bring information and outside data to them. Chairperson Timberlake introduced the small working group headed by Esther and Dana and invited other Commissioners to join.
    2. Transfer Data Reporting
      Chairperson Timberlake reminded Commissioners that the statute limiting automatic transfer also required the Commission to develop a data collection tool that matches the statute. Data collection by the University of Illinois has been going on for 18 months and Susan indicated that she is receiving reports from all 102 counties. She reported that the working group is now focusing on quality assurance and will have data reports to share with the Commission in early 2018.
      Dana Weiner indicated that creating some benchmark would demonstrate changes over time or across place. She indicated that part of the conversation is determining what information is included and how best to present it. 
      The Commission welcomed Justin Escamilla, a representative from ICJIA.
    3. Girls Grant (Adolescent Domestic Battery Model Arrest Protocol)
      Wendy Nussbaum reported that they are trying to set up 3 focus groups, 1 in Cook County, 1 suburban group, and 1 rural group by October or November. Wendy also indicated that they had a consultant from Florida assisting their efforts.
    4. IL Mental Health Opportunities for Youth Diversion Task Force
      Wendy Nussbaum indicated this task force is looking for ways to divert youth with mental health issues from the Juvenile Justice System. Chairperson Timberlake suggested they consider partnering with Redeploy. Commissioner Hill suggested consulting with Michael Warner from Youth Advocate to support these efforts. Commissioner Velasquez suggests getting information from MSJJ for this project.
  7. New Business
    1. IJOA Conference
      Wendy Nussbaum indicated the importance of partnering with law enforcement in efforts to decrease DMC. One way of supporting these partnerships was offering partial funding to IJOA with the caveat the Commission would have better representation at the conference and a better working relationship.
    2. Three Year Plan/28 assurances
      Wendy Nussbaum reported that the Commission will need to submit a new 3-year-plan to OJJDP next spring. Wendy articulated that the Commission needs a structured way of receiving input from the councils themselves. Wendy passed out the 28 assurances the Commission makes to the OJJDP and asked the Commission to review whether the Commission was adhering to these requirements.
  8. Legislative Updates
    Chairperson Timberlake reflected that the Commission has had successful legislative policy impact because of its in-depth reports. The Commission has assisted in ensuring that auto transfers are occurring, further and needed reporting happened, motions passed, a data collection tool was created and has 18 months of work and now we have state level data for transfers, etc.
  9. Public Comment
    None heard.
  10. Next Meeting
    December 20, 2017
  11. Adjourn
    Commissioner Ahitow motion to adjourn, Chairperson Timberlake seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 3:28 PM.