August 18, 2017 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


August 18, 2017
9:30am to 11:30am 


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room
  • Springfield: 100 South Grand Avenue East, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room


  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of Minutes
    • RIOB meeting May 5, 2017 
    • Executive Staff meeting June 28, 2017
  4. FY17 Year End updates
    1. Spending/Payments
    2. Numbers served / commitments
    3. ICOY spending
    4. Redeploy focused
  5. FY18 Updates
    1. Redeploy Budget
    2. Funded Providers
    3. TA & Site Visit plans
    4. DMC Analysis/Plan
    5. ICOY
  6. Review/Update of Planning Meeting Next Steps
    1. Data workgroup - update
      1. Data collection efforts
      2. DJJ data request
    2. Press Release
  7. FY18 Future Planning
    1. Available Redeploy Budget
    2. Previously Funded Sites
    3. Planning grant interest
      1. 9th Circuit (Hancock, Henderson, Warren, Knox, Fulton, and McDonough)
      2. Ogle County
    4. Possible new program (Redeploy Detention)
  8. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:36 A.M.
  2. Roll Call
    Karrie Rueter, George Timberlake, Janet Ahern, Scott Clark, Tim Snowden, Peter Parry, Samantha Gaddy Representing Heidi Mueller, Rick Velasquez, and Anne Studzinski (appearing by phone). Staff and Guests: Wendy Nussbaum, Mary Ann Dyer, Erica Hughes, Kristen Marshall, Angie Jimenez, John Payne, and Steve Sawyer.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    The Board discussed the minutes from the May 5, 2017 board meeting and June 28, 2017 executive committee meeting.
    Motion: Scott Clark motioned to approve the minutes from the May 5, 2017 board meeting. George Timberlake seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the minutes from the May 5, 2017 board meeting.
    Motion: Janet Ahern motioned to approve the minutes from the June 28, 2017 Executive Committee meeting. Anne Studzinski seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the minutes from the June 28, 2017 executive committee meeting.
  4. FY17 Year End Updates
    Karrie Rueter circulated and reviewed several documents including:
    • FY17 Payments/Spending-Karrie informed the Board that all the sites have received payment. The spreadsheet does not include June expenditures, and Redeploy staff will provide updated information to the Board. Providers have not received any payments for FY18The plan for Redeploy this year is that as soon as the contract is signed by the Secretary, a payment equal to 3/12 of the grant award will be issued in advance. Going forward, they received a payments one month in advance. This will allow the sites to resume services as soon as possible. A board member asked if DHS has historically issued payment equal to a one month advance. Karrie said yes, but that amount has historically been an initial 2/12 of the grant award, then subsequent reconciled payments.
    • FY17 Year End Number Served and Commitments -Karrie shared spreadsheets reflecting expenditures for FY17, the number of youth served as reported by the sites, and number of commitments to DJJ from each of the Redeploy sites. A board member asked about Madison County because the reporting indicates that they committed one youth to DJJ. Staff confirmed this is what was reported to DHS by the site.
    • ICOY Budget Update-The Board received a document outlining expenses incurred by Youth Network Council/ICOY for July 2016-June 2017 for the Redeploy program. ICOY underspent for a second consecutive year. The Redeploy consultants were not working at full capacity during the state budget impasse. A Board member questioned what was included in the training line. ICOY's training expenditures included the Redeploy Board 2-day meeting, two WAIT trainings, a YASI training, Working with Resistant Youth, and All Sites Meeting.
    • Redeploy Focused Update-ICOY staff reported that for FY17, no applications have been submitted for Redeploy Focused funds. Angie Jimenez reported that she has spoken with probation staff in Ogle County and Logan County, and they may be applying in FY18. In those discussions, they raised concerns regarding when they would be reimbursed. With the delay in the payments from ICOY due to the state budget impasse, ICOY could not make that commitment. ICOY is prepared to reengage eligible counties now that the state's fiscal climate is more stable.
  5. FY18 Updates
    • Staff discussed the DMC concerns with the Board. The NOSA to awardees includes language that sites need to develop a plan to address racial and ethnic disparities. George Timberlake suggested sites collaborate with the local juvenile justice councils who should also be working on DMC. A board member shared that the Board has a responsibility to support the sites and hold them accountable.
    • Staff are in the process of developing a plan and will host a webinar before the end of August. Site visits are scheduled for September. There are formulas that calculate the relative rate index. Sites will be able to determine at which stage there is disproportionality. Staff will provide information to the sites and support plan implementation. A board member asked who will help on the plan development and execution. Staff have a direct connection with the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission and the DMC and JDAI Committees. ICOY is in the process of hiring a new Juvenile Justice Project Director. A Board member asked whether ICOY is assisting DHS in making sure sites have a sound plan and are executing said plan. Staff said that the DMC standards come from OJJDP and ICOY is hiring a person that will assist.
    • Wendy said that Karima Douglas contacted OJJDP to provide assistance to juvenile justice councils before she left her role at ICOY. George said that the Board needs to look at the timing to get that scheduled in September or October. Karrie asked if that they could include sites that do not have a juvenile justice council, and George said that they should.
    • Staff said they will work with the sites to develop a DMC plan and will work with the Commission to address the issues with the DMC committee. JDAI committee can also support, and then the ICOY DMC will be the liaison between the two entities and to work with counties to develop plans around DMC.
      Motion: Janet motioned that the Redeploy Oversight Board work with the Juvenile Justice Commission to share data and provide technical assistance regarding DMC. Peter seconded the motion.
      Decision: The motion was approved.
    • Board member asked if staff can provide regular updates about the progress of sites. The next Commission meeting is in September. He said he would like for staff to prepare a monthly report on the DMC progress on sites so the Board can monitor progress.
  6. Review/Update of Planning Meeting Next Steps
    During the planning meeting, Karrie said participants identified several points in need of a decision point and/or plan. Handout provided.
    • Staff agreed to review the bylaws and the Open Meetings Act to see if the Board can establish a set number for a quorum vs. the 51% requirement. After exploring potential changes to the quorum, the staff determined that it is not possible for the Board to change the number to achieve a quorum.
    • Staff provided updated information on the status of the work plan. Medicaid has been assigned to the data workgroup. Anne Studzinski, Rick and Tim Snowden volunteered to work on this and plan to reach out to ICOY Senior Policy Analyst Deb McCarrel around this issue.
    • Staff provided update on the data work group. Staff held one meeting and discussed handouts of the tasks assigned.
    • Mary Ann Dyer asked if Adult Redeploy can participate in these conversations. That suggestion was welcomed. Redeploy staff indicated interest in participating in discussions that are being convened by Adult Redeploy. Karrie shared that one item that remains incomplete is filling vacancies for individuals to serve on the Board. Karrie shared a copy of the letters previously sent to the chief justice for those positions under her preview. Staff is in the process of recruiting a data analyst. George recommended reaching out to Susan Witkin and Dana Weiner. The Board also needs a representative from AOIC.
  7. FY18 Future Planning
    • Karrie informed the Board that the budget for Redeploy is approximately $9 million. The governor's introduced budget kept Redeploy at level funding. Many of those line items in the budget the General Assembly passed, but not in the governor's budget, have not been implemented yet. DHS is awaiting guidance on Teen REACH, Youth Employment, and other programs. DHS has obligated approximately $3.3 million towards Redeploy and have approx. $1.6 million left under the governor's budget to allocate today. Karrie facilitated a discussion regarding where to best spend those dollars. Suggested options include: bringing former sites back, issuing planning grants, implementing a new program targeting detention reduction.
    • Re-recruiting Former Sites-John Payne reached out to the former sites. Some sites are no longer eligible because their average number of commitments now makes them ineligible. John spoke with representatives from Tazewell, McLean, Lee, Iroquois/Kankakee, and Sangamon Counties. Should the Board bring sites back if former sites don't meet eligibility requirements? The Board agreed they should.
    • Planning grants-there was interest from the 9th Judicial Circuit. Steve Sawyer and John met with their juvenile judge in the 9th Circuit who was very interested as of six months ago. Their baseline was around 10, so it is unclear whether they are eligible.
    • New Redeploy program-Karrie raised the possibility that rather than making youth in detention eligible to Redeploy, the Board could consider designing a new program where they could give separate grants to counties that have high rates of detention. A board member asked whether these initiatives require the issuance of a NOFO and what is the timeline. Karrie said that a NOFO is likely required. A funding notice will have to be posted for at least 30 days. The entire process could take approximately two months. The time to write the NOFO and application is unknown at this stage. Karrie said that we need the data from DJJ to know which counties would be eligible. The Executive Committee can make the decision of whether to approve.
      Motion: Rick Velasquez made a motion to authorize the Executive Committee on the issuance of NOFO based on the data we receive for a planning grant and seek exemptions from the NOFO timelines.
      George Timberlake seconded the motion.
      Decision: The motion was approved.
    • Wendy Nussbaum discussed the Girls Grant specifically to work with girls arrested for domestic battery. One way is to address domestic battery protocol. Another way to change the system response and address their specific needs. A third way is to examine the treatment model specific to girls. The system piece is the biggest piece of this and the most difficult to take on. The idea is to pilot a crisis response and utilize CCBYS. They want to offer something beyond that to offer therapeutic case management, more assessment, helping securing housing and employment. They want to hire a therapeutic case manager in a couple of pilot sites to work with this population and possibly broadening the population. They need to identify sites, work with CCBYS providers. They ask board for funding support towards a therapeutic case model.
  8. Next Meeting:
    The next RIOB Full Board Meeting is scheduled: October 20, 2017 at 9:30 a.m.
  9. Adjourn
    George Timberlake made a motion to adjourn. Janet Ahern seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:56 a.m.