Facing Us: Your Online Home for Wellness
Join the Facing Us Clubhouse and experience interactive recovery on the web! Create an online journal or wellness plan, share recovery tips and quotes, design and print your own crisis plan, or share recovery stories, art work, tips and quotes. This site is provided by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA).
The website of GROW, a consumer-run, recovery-oriented network of mutual help groups across Illinois.
Mental Health Recovery
A website on mental health recovery and the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®), representing the work of Mary Ellen Copeland.
National Empowerment Center
A website including recent evidence and strategies for recovery, from the National Empowerment Center.
Make the Connection
This website connects Veterans, their family members and friends, and other Veteran advocates with mental health information, local resources, and Veterans' own inspiring stories of recovery.
During his campaign, President George W. Bush declared support for people with mental and physical disabilities, pledging to "tear down" barriers to equality that face many of the 54 million Americans with disabilities. Immediately following his inauguration, President Bush announced the New Freedom Initiative on February 1, 2001. The President sent several proposals to Congress that would help Americans with disabilities by increasing access to assistive technologies, expanding educational opportunities, increasing the ability of Americans with disabilities to integrate into the workforce, and promoting increased access into daily community life.
Document that contains various social networking sites that have forums, chatrooms, blogs, resources, and online support groups. Note- This list is for informational purposes. Neither the IL Mental Health Collaborative nor the IL Division of Mental Health endorses or favors any of the sites listed. As with any Internet site, use personal discretion when self-disclosing personal information.
This brochure is designed to provide you with the tools to help support a friend you know is living with a mental illness and in the recovery process.