Workforce and Transaction Summary

FY25 Affirmative Action Plan Workforce and Transaction Summary

  • There are 14,089 employees statewide employed with the Illinois Department of Human Services. Of the workforce, 5,017, or 36% are Blacks or African Americans, 1,575, or 11% are Hispanics or Latinos, 702, or 5% are Asians, 69 or 0% (.004%) are American Indian or Alaskan Native, and 10 or 0% (.0007%) are Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Additionally, 2,463, or 17% are employees with disabilities and 9,799, or 70% are Females.
  • There were 2,882 total new hires. Of those hires, 1,268, or 44% were Blacks or African Americans, 419, or 15% were Hispanics or Latinos, 119, or 4% were Asians, 11 or 0% (.003) were American Indian or Alaskan Native, and 4 or 0% (.001) were Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Additionally, 139, or 5% of hires were persons with disabilities and 2,054, or 71% were Females.
  • There were 762 promotions. Of those promoted, 354, or 46% were Blacks or African Americans, 79 or 10% were Hispanics or Latinos, 34 or 4% were Asians, 4 or 1% were American Indian or Alaskan Native, and 1, or 0% (.001) were Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Additionally, 13 or 2% of promotions were persons with disabilities and 511 or 67% were Females.

IDHS utilizes the Department of Central Management Services (CMS) Personnel Code employment recruiting guidelines. The success of IDHS' employment of underutilized minorities is based on limited opportunities to make decisions independent of factors such as bargaining unit considerations. IDHS is rarely allowed to utilize the open competitive list. IDHS is open to methods and external recommendations to increase targeted hiring and recruitment.

Due to the transition to the Human Capital Management (HCM) system on January 1, 2024, transmission by CMS of the updated data used to create the workforce transaction report (DHR-10) for IDHS is no longer available. IDHS now has to gather data, independently, from its Divisions to comply with its reporting obligations. Improved timely and accurate data to report workforce analysis and workforce transactions is needed. Current data used comes from CMS Mobius Reports that are not currently accurate, timely, and/or available.

IDHS has been instrumental in its commitment to being involved with IDHS recruitment efforts. Discussions center around where IDHS needs to make improvements in addressing the need for a more diversified workforce that better meets the needs of the Agency and the customers served. The need to continue improving IDHS' performance in achieving underutilization goals is a priority. Educating minority populations to navigate the State of Illinois hiring process is key to understanding what is needed to become employed in State government.

IDHS utilizes the following online job centers to recruit for potential positions:, IDHS' Facebook and Twitter accounts, and the Illinois Department of Central Management Services' Work4 Illinois website to post job opportunities. IDHS also posts jobs on (continuing education and alumni engagement),, Symplicity, Zip Recruiter,, Hypojobs, and, LinkedIn, the Trending Jobs, the Jobg8, the JobRapido, Propel Inc., AppCast, Google, Jobcase, Talroo, GetIt, MyJobHelper, the Glassdoor, the Niche Network, the Local Job Network Diversity, the American Correctional Association, the Illinois Correctional Associations, the Illinois Psychiatric Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the Chicago Medical Society, the School Superintendents Association, the American College of Healthcare Executives, the Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents, the Latino Job Network, Circa, the National Diversity Network, the Retirement Job Network, the American Job Network, the Asian Job Network, the LGBT Job Network, the Disability Job Exchange, the Veteran's Job Exchange, the Military Times, the Women for Hire, the Hire Military, the African American Job Network, the Disability Job Network, the Women Job Network, the Veteran Job Network, the Disability Solutions, LatPro, the Jobfindah, the LGBT JobFindah, the Black JobFindah, the Women JobFindah, the Vet JobFindah, the Ability JobFindah, Dice, the Jobtome, the Snagajob, the, the TopUSAJobs, Adzuna, Nexxt, the JobsinLogistics, the Lensa, Upward, the Flexjobs, the Juju, the Geebo, the Jobserve, the Linkup, the Careerbliss, the, the Careerbuilder, the Illinois Medical Group Management Association,, the Correction Leadership Support,, PracticeLink,,, The College Central, Individual School Job Boards - Northeastern, County Job Boards - DuPage, McHenry, and, Simply Hired, livecareer, CareerJet, JobInventory, Myperfectresume,, Resumenow, Postforfree, JobisJob, Purejobs, Gigajob, Jobvertise, VetCareer, RIR, MyJobHelper, Wond, CareerBliss, Glassdoor, Granted, Job Diagnosis, Jobcase, Careerjet, Job Rapido, Jobs-to-Careers, JobVertise, Jooble, WowJobs, and JobisJob.

IDHS conducts virtual recruitment events providing the opportunity for interested persons to learn more about employment with the Illinois Department of Human Services. Virtual Recruitment events are also available upon request. IDHS offers virtual recruitment presentations regarding careers with the State of Illinois and instructions on navigating the CMS-100 Application Process with IDHS.

NOTE: Half of the numbers and percentages are based on information received by the Illinois Department of Central Management Services.