PM 21-02-10: High School Equivalency/GED Program for Adults

WAG 21-02-10

New Manual MaterialWho may participate in the activity:

A TANF adult client (age 20 years or older) that does not currently have a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate may participate in a new activity, High School Equivalency/GED Program for Adults, to obtain his/her GED as a core activity for TANF. If a customer submits an oral or written request to obtain their GED, the customer shall be enrolled in High School Equivalency/GED Program for Adults unless it has been determined that the benefit from participating in another activity, would be greater to the participant than participation in this activity. The availability of high school equivalency/GED programs may also delay enrollment in this activity.

The caseworker may enter up to the full participation target (20/30) for the case in High School Equivalency/GED Program for Adults. Count one hour of study time for each hour of attendance. The one hour of study time will systematically be added to the Responsibility and Services Plan Attendance and Activity Report (A&A), IL 444-4006, based on the number of hours the client is actually in the classroom.  If the hours are not enough to meet the full participation target, the client may only participate in one other activity to meet the remaining hours.

New Manual MaterialWhat the activity requires:

Participation in High School Equivalency/GED Program for Adults requires the following:

  • The client will be enrolled full time as defined by the school, unless a full time program is not available, or a part time program is most appropriate based on the individual's or family's circumstance;
  • The program shall be accredited under Illinois law;
  • An A&A must be provided weekly, or more often if requested by caseworker; and
  • Verification of satisfactory progress will be provided at the end of each academic term. Satisfactory progress is determined by written policy of the school or program. The client is responsible for submitting the progress report unless it is submitted by the school.