Supportive Housing

Supportive Housing is affordable rental housing for people with very low incomes and disabilities (or multiple barriers to community living) PLUS the social/health services (including behavioral and physical health) that they want and need to succeed in the community.

Supportive Housing is not intended for every population that needs access to affordable housing. The threshold of need for supportive housing is higher than the simple need for affordable housing.

Section 811 Project-Based Rental Assistance Program (PRA)

The Section 811 Project-Based Rental Assistance Program is a supportive housing for persons with disabilities program within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program assists the lowest income people with disabilities to live independently in the community by providing affordable housing linked with voluntary services and supports (Medicaid Long Term Services and Supports or State Plan Services).

More than $18M has been awarded to the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) and its' partners (the Department on Aging, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Department of Human Services) that will make affordable and available more than 900 units around the state.

Eligibility Requirements For Section 811 PRA

Must be either a Williams Class Action Lawsuit Class Members; Colbert Class Action Lawsuit Class Members; Ligas Class Action Lawsuit Class Members (ICFF-DD residents and those selected from the PUNS list for services);Money Follows the Person participants; Persons moving from State Operated Developmental Centers to the community; Eligible to receive Medicaid Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) or State Medicaid Plan Services; Incomes at or below 30% of Area Median Income (AMI) and Aged 18-61 only

Statewide Referral Network (SRN)

The Statewide Referral Network (SRN) links vulnerable populations who are already connected to services, to affordable, available, supportive housing. It is managed by the Statewide Housing Coordinator in the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Human Services. Social Service Providers assist eligible households to get their name on the waiting list (by using the PAIR module). The waiting list manager verifies eligibility and when a SRN unit becomes eligible matches the eligible waiting list participants with the unit.

Eligible SRN supportive housing populations include persons with disabilities, persons experiencing homelessness and persons at-risk of homelessness. In addition, a person or family must have income at 30% of Area Median Income or below

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