Ligas Meeting Minutes - July 12, 2016

Ligas Class Member/Family Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes

July 12, 2016

Committee Member and Staff Attendees:

Dave Adden

Ronnie Cohn

Jim Eddings

Donna Frownfelter

Missy Kichline

Joanne Kunz

Troy  Markert

Elizabeth Miller

Laura Miller

Kendra Moses

Ruthann Sikora

Other Attendees: Amber Angel, Alisa Sheff

The meeting began at 1:15 pm as a video conference from locations in the Harris Building, Springfield and the Clinton Building, Chicago.

See attached meeting agenda.

The minutes from the April 12, 2016 meeting were approved.

OPENING REMARKS: Donna Frownfelter, Committee Chairperson, greeted the member and attendees.

ADA STUDY: Amber Angel and Alisa Sheff, researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago, shared with the committee a request for assistance for their ongoing study. The University is collaborating with six Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Centers across the nation to learn about the experiences of people with disabilities who have moved out of nursing homes and other institutions.

The researchers are looking for 50 individuals with disabilities across Illinois who will share their experiences of moving from an institution into the community. Participants will be asked to take part in an interview that will last about 90 minutes.

If anyone is interested in participating, please contact the research team at: (312) 996-9655.

UPDATE FROM LIGAS FAMILY ADVOCATES: Missy Kichline updated the committee on The Ligas Family Advocate Program recent activities.

April - John Fallon, CSH The Housing Solutions, organized a crew to video the individuals involved in the SHO Pilot Project at the May Apartments. The videotaping session included two days of work. Others who participated included the Executive Director of the Madison County Housing Authority, Secretary Dimas, Director Greg Fenton, Lore Baker, Developmental Disabilities of Metro-East, and Trinity Services- South.

May - Know Your Options presentation for Community Choices in Champaign County with speakers Ronnie Cohn, Ligas Court Monitor and Barry Lowy, Equip for Equality.

June - Attended the Health and Human Services (HHS) Transformation Leadership Team Town Hall meeting, the Life Choices - Who, What, Where, When, and How???? webinar, and the Illinois Disability Rights Movement webinar were excellent training opportunities. Participated in an Arc of Illinois hosted meeting to provide input about the needs of the Developmental Disability system to respond to behavioral crisis of people with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities.

COURT MONITOR UPDATE: Ronnie Cohn reported that all parties are working very hard to get individuals served but the wage and budget issues make it difficult for many providers to continue to serve individuals and especially difficult to increase services to individuals.

CLASS COUNSEL UPDATE: Laura Miller reported that July 18th is the next court status date. The parties will have to report if progress has been made on discussion topics. Talks with the State continue on the Implementation Plan. Issues include: inadequate rates for DD providers, lack of enhanced rates for individuals with medical or behavioral needs, areas that have a lack of DD services, and inadequate employment opportunities and meaningful day programs.

DDD LIGAS UPDATE: Jim Eddings announced that as of May 1, 2016, 2463 individuals from the PUNS list are receiving services. The Division's benchmark is 2500 individuals receiving services by June 2016. As of May 1, 2016, 1366 individuals from ICF/DD placements are now receiving community services. The Division's benchmark was to have 932 individuals placed by Dec. 2015.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: No public comments were made.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be from 1 to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, October 19, 2016. We will meet in the FCS Conference Room (2nd Floor) in the Harris Building and the Secretary's Video Conference Room on the 7th Floor of the Clinton Building.

QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS: For questions or comments, please contact Dave Adden: (217) 524-0848 or