PM 18-05-07-c: Good Cause for Job Quit

WAG 18-05-07-c

new textWhen the client claims good cause for quitting a job, document the reason for leaving the job in the case record. Good cause for quitting a job includes situations beyond the client's control, such as but not limited to:

  • the client's illness or illness of another unit member that requires the client's presence,
  • a lack of transportation to the job site,
  • a household emergency,
  • lack of adequate child care for a child under age 13,
  • an employer discriminates based on age, race, sex, color, handicap, religious beliefs, national origin, or political beliefs,
  • a job has work demands or conditions that make it unreasonable to continue (for example, is working and not being paid on schedule),
  • a person must quit their current job in order to accept a new job,
  • another unit member accepted a job in another county that requires that the family to move
  • a person's leaving of a job is a normal pattern for that type of work. Examples of a pattern of employment where workers frequently move from one employer to another are, migrant farm labor or construction work, or
  • the job is "unsuitable employment". A job is unsuitable if:
  • wages offered (including tips) are less than the state minimum wage, 
  • wages are on a piecework basis and the amount the person can reasonably expect to earn is less than the minimum wage,
  • as a condition of employment, the person is required to: join, resign from, or refrain from joining any legal labor organization (this does not include being required to pay dues),
  • the job offered is subject to a strike or lockout at the time of the offer,
  • the job poses an unreasonable degree of risk to the person's health and safety,
  • the person is physically and mentally unable to do the work, or
  • Commuting time is more than 2 hours per day, not including travel to and from child care.