03.03.18 - Environmental Safety Checklist


Complete the inspection prior to opening center and at least once a month thereafter. Afterward, develop a corrective action plan on the Environmental Safety Checklist Summary Sheet for all non-compliance items.

Date Checklist Completed _________________


  1. Emergency telephone numbers for ambulance, paramedics, hospital, clinic, poison control center, physician, dentist, police and fire department are posted by every telephone.
  2. Written emergency procedures for the following are posted throughout the center, including every classroom:
    1. Medical/Accident emergencies
    2. Dental emergencies.
    3. Fire evacuation (including evacuation routes for each room, with primary and secondary routes noted.)
    4. Earthquake
    5. Tornado/Severe Storms
  3. Emergency plans include:
    1. Procedures for notification of parents in emergencies
    2. Location of first aid kits
    3. Location of emergency contact information for children
    4. Location of signed parental consent forms for children's treatment
  4. Exits from the building are clearly marked in all classrooms and center offices.
  5. There are fire extinguishers in each room that have been inspected and are in working order; and staff can demonstrate how to use the extinguishers .
  6. One full time staff member trained in first aid, infant/child CPR, Heimlich maneuver, is onsite at all times.
  7. One staff person, volunteer, or driver trained in first aid, infant/child CPR, and Heimlich maneuver is on the bus at all times during transportation.
  8. First aid kits are inspected and restocked, if needed, at least monthly.
  9. Fire drills are held monthly (tornado, earthquake, twice a year). Evacuation of building takes no more than one minute.
  10. Fire alarms, including smoke detectors, are in proper working order.
  11. The Environmental Safety Activity Record is posted in the center and activities are noted up-to-date.




  1. There are written and updated policies and procedures for the following:
    1. Blood borne Pathogens Exposure Control
    2. Sick Child, including exclusion and readmission procedures
    3. Smoke-free environment
    4. Administration of Medications
    5. Bus Evacuation
    6. Pest Control
  2. The center has been tested for radon levels, fluoride levels in the water supply and lead in water prior to opening.



  1. Adequate and appropriate supervision with children occurs at all times.
  2. Exposed fans and heaters are securely fastened and screened away from children.
  3. Toys are stored in well ventilated containers or shelves.
  4. Toys are maintained in good condition (no peeling paints, no rust, broken or missing parts).
  5. Toys are age appropriate and accessible.
  6. All smooth surfaces, eating tables, sand/water tables, housekeeping equipment and toys, pouring container for sand and water, etc. are cleaned daily by germicidal solution.
  7. Puzzles, plastic toys, large motor equipment, dolls, cars, trucks are cleaned 3 times a week for two year-olds and once a week for 4 and 5 year-olds with germicidal solution.
  8. There are no electrical or propellant toys used in classroom or on playground.
  9. Plastic packaging is disposed of immediately and carefully.
  10. No toxic substances are stored in the classroom.
  11. Paint/art supplies are non-toxic.
  12. Childproof safety devices are on all electrical outlets, cords are not left dangling, nor are extension cords used.
  13. Small round/rolling objects are kept off floors (crayon, pens, markers, etc.).
  14. Riding toys are used in large unobstructed areas.
  15. Equipment size is appropriate for all developmental level.
  16. Cooking utensils are carefully selected and maintained for children's use in educational and mealtime activities.




  1. A nurse (RN or LPN) has been contracted to observe monthly in the Infant and Toddler rooms or weekly if center has only a provisional license.
  2. The I/T Observation Sheet is filed out by nurse for each room at each visit.
  3. Action plan to correct problem areas on Observation Sheet has been completed.
  4. Additional training recommended by nurse has been provided or arranged for.
  5. The Daily Sanitation Guide is followed at all times.
  6. The IMSHSP diapering and handwashing procedures are followed at all times.




  1. The Kitchen Observation monitoring procedure has been completed for this month, per instructions, by the kitchen staff supervisor (usually Health Services Coordinator) - Level 1 and Nutritionist - Level 2.
  2. The Cook's Weekly Checklist for monitoring of daily food production records has been completed, per instructions, by Level 1 and Level 2 personnel
  3. Current Public health inspection is posted properly.




  1. Step stools are provided if a child is unable to reach sink or stool safely.
  2. There is anti-bacterial soap at each sink for handwashing.
  3. There is ample supply of toilet tissue and paper toweling.
  4. Toothbrushes are carefully labeled, stored and not shared by the children.
  5. Lighting and ventilation are adequate.
  6. Trash containers are emptied daily or more often if needed
  7. Floors are dry and free of debris.
  8. Sinks, stools, floors and walls are thoroughly cleaned daily with germicidal solution.
  9. At least one staff person accompanies child(ren) to bathroom at all times, if they have to leave the room.
  10. Staff and children wash their hands following the IMSHSP Handwashing Procedure.
  11. Plumbing is working properly.
  12. At least one bathroom is accessible to disabled children in wheelchairs and/or braces.




  1. The Daily Playground Safety Checklist Procedure is being followed and completed by all monitoring Levels
  2. A well stocked first aid kit is accessible to caregivers during outdoor play.




  1. The Bus Observation monitoring procedure has been completed for this month, per instructions, by the bus staff supervisor (usually Health Services Coordinator) - Level 1 and Director - Level 2.
  2. The Bus Driver's Weekly Checklist for monitoring of daily pre-trip inspection has been completed per instructions by Level 1 and Level 2 personnel.
  3. Problems found during daily inspection are corrected immediately
  4. Bus routes are carefully planned, reviewed and monitored for safety hazards. Written up-to-date bus route plans are on file at the center.
  5. Bus evacuation drills are completed monthly.




Children are discharged only to those persons whom parent/guardian indicate in writing as authorized and the proper sign-in, sign-out forms are being used.




  1. Medications are kept in locked containers or refrigeration if required. (Must be kept in a separate container.)
  2. Patient's name, medicine name, amount to be given, and time to be given are labeled on the medicine and are dispensed carefully.
  3. Correct sanitized measuring instruments are kept with medications and used to dispense correct dosages
  4. Non-prescription medication is given only by doctor's orders or parent's permission.
  5. Classroom medication forms are kept up-to-date after each dose is given and "Medication" notitas are sent home to parents with medication every day.



  1. The Summary Sheet is completed monthly after each checklist is performed.
  2. All problem items found are corrected per the corrective action plan.