IDHS Grantees should refer to the information available on the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Website .
The "Webinars" section includes recorded trainings. Under "CSFA" you will find the entrance to the Catalog of State Financial Assistance, where information about all the grants offered through the State of Illinois are listed. The GATA "Resource Library" also has additional information about various subjects related to GATA, its processes, training handouts, and links to additional websites with information.
GATA Webinars
GATA webinars include downloadable training materials that are very helpful in understanding the federal and state requirements, what each topical area means and why it is important. The information is useful for all providers who have grants, and should be viewed by both their fiscal and programmatic staff. The topics include, but are not limited to:
- GATA Pre-award Phase
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Budget training
- Applying Indirect Cost Rates to the Budget
- Using the CroweHorwath CARS Indirect Cost System