Medicaid Waiver - Waiver Compliance Reviews

The Division of Developmental Disabilities' (DDD's) Bureau of Program Development and Medicaid Administration, is responsible for post payment reviews of Medicaid Waiver services provided to individuals being served under any of the three Medicaid Waivers operated by the Division. The three waivers operated by DDD are the Adult Waiver, Children's Support Waiver and Children's Residential Waiver. The reviews are completed to ensure the financial integrity of the services and billings/payments of those services. These reviews are typically completed via desk reviews of documentation submitted upon request by the providers delivering the services.  The Bureau completes routine sample reviews, as well as targeted reviews when issues are identified.

For transparency's sake and in order to educate stakeholders about these activities and the need to prevent, identify, and remediate any potential fiscal issues, a new page on the Division's website has been added to post summary results of these reviews.

We invite and welcome interested stakeholders to review our summary reports as they are posted and offer input to the Division as we continue these efforts.  Should you have suggestions for improvements to our processes or concerns about the financial integrity of services provided, please share those with the Bureau by contacting Derek Hedges at 217-782-5919.