PM 19-02-04-c
Auto-REDE Results |
Data Collection Update Step |
Certification Step |
Notice Sent |
No change in medical eligibility |
IES automatically runs eligibility using information from Step 2 clearances and existing data in IES |
IES certifies results & REDE date is set for a new certification period |
Form 2381A sent 60 days prior to the end of the certification period. No additional notice is sent. |
Change in medical program required |
IES automatically runs eligibility using information from Step 2 clearances and existing data in IES. New EDGs are formed; individuals may be moved into different medical EDGs |
IES certifies results & REDE date is set for a new certification period |
Form 2381A sent 60 days prior to the end of the certification period indicating the change. No additional notice is sent. |
Change reported by customer |
Worker updates data collection with new case information; new EDGs may be formed |
Worker certifies results & REDE date is set for a new certification period |
Form 360C is sent to notify customer of the change when the action is certified. |
Customer receives SNAP or cash assistance |
Worker interviews customer, reviews verification provided for SNAP or cash assistance and updates data collection so that income is the same for all programs |
Worker certifies results & REDE date is set for a new certification period |
Form 360C is sent to notify customer of the change when the action is certified. |
The examples below illustrate scenarios when a change is reported during the 30 day period after the medical auto-REDE form is generated.
Example: Ms. Hotel receives FamilyCare for herself and All Kids Assist for her daughter. Ms. Hotel receives an auto-REDE notice 2381A informing her that her family is eligible to continue receiving FamilyCare and All Kids Assist. Ms. Hotel reports that she is now married and pregnant. She requests medical coverage for her spouse who has no income of his own. Generate a Form 243A-C Request for Medical Benefits for an Additional Household Member from Correspondence/Manual Forms. Update Ms. Hotel's status to show she is pregnant in IES by going to data collection/case change. When Form 243A-C is returned, update IES, run eligibility and certify the result.
Example: Mr. India, active on an ACA Adult case, receives an auto-REDE notice 2381A informing him that he is eligible to continue receiving ACA Adult. He reports a new address in Manage My Case through ABE. Review the IES task. The new address is in Illinois, and no other changes are reported. Go to data collection/case change to update the address and certify the result. The case remains on track for an auto-REDE.
Example: Ms. Juliet, an SSI recipient and active on an AABD case, receives an auto-REDE notice 2381A informing her that she is eligible to continue receiving AABD. Ms. Juliet contacts the FCRC directly and reports that she moved out of state. Go to data collection/case change in IES: update the address, run eligibility and certify the results. IES sends a form 360C Notice of Decision informing her that she is ineligible due to not being an Illinois resident.
A SNAP REDE is also Due
Example: Mr. Kilo receives FamilyCare for himself, his wife, All Kids Assist for his daughter and SNAP benefits. Mr. Kilo receives an auto-REDE notice 2381A for medical telling him that FamilyCare and All Kids Assist will continue. Mr. Kilo completes the SNAP REDE interview and provides check stubs from his employment. The check stubs show income that is higher than the limit for FamilyCare and All Kids Assist. His daughter is now eligible for All Kids Share. Update the income for medical and SNAP and certify the results. The daughter is not entitled to continuous eligibility under All Kids Assist because additional verification of income becomes available in the course of reviewing SNAP eligibility.
Example: Ms. Lima receives ACA Adult and SNAP for herself. Ms. Lima receives an auto-REDE notice telling her that she is eligible for ACA Adult and that she must complete a REDE for SNAP. IES verified her income for the auto-REDE using AWVS. Following the SNAP interview, Ms. Lima does not respond to the VCL to provide proof of her earnings for SNAP. The SNAP REDE is denied. No further action is required for ACA Adult because no additional income verification was received. IES will certify the medical REDE at cutoff.
Example: Mr. Mike receives SNAP for his family and All Kids Assist for his son. Mr. Mike receives an auto-REDE notice telling him that his son remains eligible for All Kids Assist. IES verified his earnings of $3,000 per quarter using AWVS. Following the SNAP interview, Mr. Mike provides his check stubs showing $995 after income averaging for the last 30 days. Even though Mr. Mike's son continues to be All Kids Assist eligible with this verified income, update IES to show the amount verified for SNAP. The worker must certify the result for SNAP and medical.