PM 19-07-07
- (IES) Produces and mails SNAP and TANF Mid-Point Report (Form 2890) in the 5th month of the approval period at the close of schedule cut-off with a due date (2nd calendar day in month 6 of the approval period).
- (IES) Produces monthly reports:
Report Number |
Report Title |
Frequency |
IL-RD-124-MLY |
Count of Cases Sent Mid-Point Reports |
1st Saturday of Month |
IL-RD-125-MLY |
Case Details for Pending Mid-Points Reports |
1st Saturday of Month |
IL-RD-126-MLY |
Case Details for Denied Mid-Point Reports |
1st Saturday of Month |
IL-RD-127-MLY |
Case Details for Approved Mid-Point Reports |
1st Saturday of Month |
Mid-Point Report Reminder Notice (Form 2891)
- (IES) Sends Mid-Point Report Reminder-Action Required notice two work days following the due date of Form 2890 to Mid-Point Reporting households who have not returned a Mid-Point Report form by the due date (2nd day in month 6). It is important that staff enter the Mid-Point Report receipt date in IES so that the reminder notice is mailed only to those households who didn't provide one.
- (Customer) Must complete and return a Mid-Point Report within 10 calendar days of the date of the reminder notice.
- (FCRC) If the households returns a completed Mid-Point Report after the due date, but within 10 calendar days of the date of the reminder notice, process the Mid-Point Report no later than 10 calendar days after the household's normal benefit issuance date.
- (IES) At schedule-cut off, centrally closes the TANF and/or SNAP EDGs. Sends Notice of Decision (Form 360c) with the notice reason:
(You failed to return your Mid-Point Report by (date centrally entered) PM 19-07-00.
Mid-Point Report (MPR) (Form 2890) Returned by Due Date
- (Customer) Completes and returns Form 2890 by the 2nd day in month 6 of their 12-month approval period, with pay verification, if applicable, including hours worked for TANF.
- (FCRC) Reviews Form 2890 for signature and responses to all questions. If Question #4 is answered "Yes", pay verification is provided, including hours worked for TANF. revised manual text(FCRC)
- (FCRC) Sends 267 VCL Verification Checklist when Form 2890 is incomplete, no signature, or pay verification is missing, including hours worked for TANF. If verification of an expense is requested on the 267 VCL and the customer does not provide it, determine SNAP eligibility and the benefit amount without allowing a deduction for the expense which was reported but not verified. If after the Mid-Point Report is processed, verification is later provided, treat the information like the SNAP household reported a change in circumstances. The date the verification is provided is considered the date the household reported the change (see PM 18-04-00).
Processing Paper Mid-Point Reports
- (FCRC) Scans a paper Form 2890 using Datacap. Enter 0 (zero) instead of a form number in the Verify Page. Datacap pre-selects the corresponding IES Task Title and EDM inbox queue depending on the document being scanned and the customer's case status. It is important that staff enter the Mid-Point Report receipt date in IES so that the reminder notice is mailed only to those households who didn't provide one.
- (IES) Creates a Mid-Point Report task in the Mid-Point Report queue.
- (FCRC) From the Left Navigation, select EDM, then Inbox, Retrieve a Mid-Point Report task from the Mid-Point Report queue and start the task.
- (IES) Defaults the What action do you want to Perform? field to Case Change on the Initiate Data Collection page.
- (FCRC) Continue through the pages until the Mid-Point Report page displays. Once in Data Collection the Mid-Point Report page has to be accessed through Left Navigation.
- (FCRC) Select the 2890 SNAP and TANF Mid-Point Report hyperlink to open the MPR PDF and use to record the customer's responses to the questions. Select ADD to update the record. The Mid-Point Report page is used to log a record in the case and deem the Mid-Point Report as processed. Complete this page for both reported changes and no reported changes.
- (FCRC) Follow the instructions in #8 or #9 below depending on whether the customer reported a change on the MPR.
- No Changes Reported
- If the customer answered No to all questions and no changes were reported, update any Conversion activities on the case (income, relationships, education, and verifications). If Conversion activities have already been completed from Left Navigation, select Eligibility, then Run Eligibility.
- Changes Reported
- If the customer answered Yes to a question and reported a change. IES adds the appropriate pages to the driver flow to complete. Process any changes reported.
- Run Eligibility and certify the case.
Example: Mr. B receives SNAP only. Mr. B's SNAP approval period is December 2017 through November 2018. In April Mr. B receives Form 2890 to complete and return to the FCRC by May 2. Mr. B completes Form 2890 with no reported changes and mails it back to the FCRC by the due date. Form 2890 is scanned and uploaded into IES and the receipt date is entered. The HSC runs eligibility to certify the case and documents in the case file that the customer returned Form 2890 with no reported changes.
Processing Mid-Point Reports Submitted via ABE MMC
If a customer submits a Mid-Point Report through ABE with no changes and the case does not have a TANF EDG, the Mid-Point Report is auto processed by IES. No action to continue eligibility is required. If the customer submits a Mid-Point Report via MMC with no changes and case has TANF EDG or if the customer reported changes, Mid-Point Report task is created for a worker to complete in the Mid-Point Report queue.
- (FCRC) From Left Navigation, select EDM, then Inbox. Retrieve a Mid-Point Report task from the Mid-Point Report queue and start the task.
- (IES) The Mid-Point Report page prefills with the customer's responses from MMC.
- (FCRC) Review the responses and select ADD to update the record.
- (FCRC) Follow the instructions in #5 or #6 below depending on whether the customer reported changes on the Mid-Point Report.
- No Changes Reported
- If the customer answered No to all questions and no changes were reported, update any Conversion activities on the case (income, relationships, education, and verifications). If Conversion activities have already been completed from Left Navigation, select Eligibility, then Run Eligibility.
- Changes Reported
- If the customer answered Yes to a question and reported a change. IES adds the appropriate pages to the driver flow to complete. Process any changes reported.
- Run Eligibility and certify the case.
Processing Late Mid-Point Reports/Mid-Point Report with Received Date Not Populated
IES automatically closes SNAP or TANF EDGS for individuals who fail to complete a required Mid-Point Report by the scheduled cut-off in the sixth month. IES sets a Notice Reason of Individual failed to cooperate with the Mid-Point Report. If the Mid-Point Report is processed after the month it is due but was received timely and an Mid-Point Report Date is populated in IES, the EDG remains active and benefits continue to be issued.
When a customer submits a late Mid-Point Report with SNAP after cut-off, reopen the SNAP EDG. Choose the appropriate Case Action on the Initiate Data Collection page to process the Mid-Point Report. Reopen a SNAP EDG when the Mid-Point Report is received after schedule cut-off but before the end of month 7th and when the Mid-Point Report date is not populated in IES.
- From Left Navigation, select EDM, then Inbox. Retrieve a Mid-Point Report task form the Mid-Point Report queue and start the task.
- On the Initiate Data Collection page, select the appropriate Case Action from the What Action Do You Want to Perform? drop down list.
- For SNAP Only cases: Select Reinstate
- For Medical still active only, SNAP closed cases: Select Case Change.
- Continue to Case Action Confirmation page. Verify that the case action is correct for the type of case.
- Continue through the Pending Casework page.
- On the Mid-Point Report page, select the ECR icon and select the 2890 SNAP and TANF Mid-Point Report hyperlink to open the MPR PDF and use it to record the customer's responses to the questions/ Select ADD to update the record.
- From Left Navigation, select Individual Information, then select Program Request. The Program Request - Summary page displays.
- Select the Edit icon for the SNAP Program Request. The Program Request -Details page displays.
- Complete the following fields:
- Is there a reinstatement, reapplication or is there a denied program that needs to be reopened:
- Select Reinstatement of a Closed Programed from the drop-down list.
- Reinstatement Date: Enter the date on which the benefits should resume.
- Reinstatement Compliance Date: Enter the date the Mid-Point Report was received.
- Reinstatement Reason: Select Complied with program requirements from the drop-down list.
- Continue to the Program Request -Individuals page, select Save +Continue.
- Follow the instructions below, depending on whether the customer reported changes on the Mid-Point Report.
- No Changes Reported
- If the customer answered No to all questions and no changes were reported, update any Conversion activities on the case (income, relationships, education, and verifications). If Conversion activities have already been completed from Left Navigation, select Eligibility, then Run Eligibility.
- Changes Reported
- If the customer answered Yes to a question and reported a change. IES adds the appropriate pages to the driver flow to complete. Process any changes reported.
- Run Eligibility and certify the case.
Scanning/Uploading Mid-Point Reports Returned to the FCRC
If the customer returns their Mid-Point Report by mail or in person (and does not meet with a caseworker the same day of submission):
- Review the Mid-Point Report for completion and signature. If the Mid-Point Report is incomplete return the form to the customer with a 267 VCL. Include instructions on the 267 VCL of what needs to do ne to have a completed form; or
- If the Mid-Point Report is complete, scan through Datacap so that a task gets created in the Mid-Point Report queue. When a paper Mid-Point Report is scanned using Datacap, IES creates a Mid-Point Report task in the queue.
Note: An Mid-Point Report should never be uploaded with no task created. This ensures that an HSC is able to pull the Mid-Point Report task from the queue, review the report and process any changes.
It is important that staff enter the Mid-Point Report receipt date in IES so that the reminder notice is mailed only to those households who didn't provide one.
Datacap Night Utility
Scan Mid-Point Reports and associated submitted verifications as individual case batches into Datacap the same day they are received in the FCRC. A nightly automated process runs in Datacap that progresses the Mid-Point Report batches through the scanning workflow all the way to the Datacap "Verify" task.
Complete the following steps when Scanning Paper Mid-Point Reports into Datacap for auto-completion:
- Scan Mid-Point Reports the same day they are received by the FCRC.
- Scan Mid-Point Reports submitted with verifications through-out the course of the day.
- Scan Mid-Point Reports to be included in the Datacap nightly auto-process as individual batches towards the close of the business day. When the utility runs in the evening, any Mid-Point Reports that don't need/have verifications or are without errors will auto-process in Datacap and create a task in the Mid-Point Report queue in the EDM box in IES.
- On the next business day, identify any batches with priority higher than 5 (Mid-Point Reports with 2890s in them but failed to auto-complete). Manually complete in Datacap any batches that failed to auto-process.
Use the table below as a helpful reference when scanning Mid-Point Reports into Datacap.
Mid-Point Reports |
Task Title |
EDM Inbox Queue |
Datacap Value |
2890 SNAP and TANF Mid-Point Report |
2890 SNAP and TANF Mid-Point Report |
Mid-Point Report |
IES _MainPage or IES_Trailing Page
Correspondence ID
- Barcode# from parent (attached) from or
- 0" if no barcode.
Verifications Submitted with IES/Library Form |
Varies (Verification Type will be selected in Verify) |
VCL Logic
- Ready to Certify-it there has been a VCL in the last 3 months.
- Changes/Misc-if there has not been a VCL in the last 3 months.
Verification_ with _Form_MainPage
Verification _with _Form _TrailingPage
Correspondence ID
- Barcode# from parent (attached) from or
- 0" if no barcode.
Verifications Submitted without IES/Library Form |
Varies (Verification Type will be selected in Verify) |
VCL Logic
Ready to Certify - if there has been a VCL in the last 3 months.
Changes/Misc - if there has NOT been a VCL in the last 3 months.
Verification_without _ Form _MainPage
Verification with _Form _Trailing Page
Correspondence ID
Datacap Down Procedures
If Datacap is down or there is a need to scan/upload and create a task manually for any other reason, follow the steps below to create a task manually through the Upload Documents /Create EDM Tasks page:
- From Left Navigation, select EDM then selet Upload Documents/ Create EDM Tasks.
- Select Create an IES Inbox Task -Upload a Document from the Request Action drop-down list.
- Complete all required fields in the Document/Task Level Information section.
- Individual: Select the individual the document is associated with from the pre-populated drop down list.
- Document Category: Changes
- Document/task Title: Mid-Point Report
- Received Date: The date the document is received. This date defaults to the current date. Change the date if necessary to reflect the actual date the document was submitted to the office by the customer. If multiple documents are upload to a case/application at the same time, IES defaults the Received Data to the date selected for the first document for all subsequent documents.
- Route to Queue: Mid-Point Report
- Choose Document: Browse your computer for the document and attach the document. Select ADD and Submit.
Required Verification for TANF, Even If No Change Reported
- For TANF (with or without SNAP), verify the number of hours worked, even if no change is reported on Form 2890.
- Use the Work Number to verify hours worked, if pay verification was not returned with Form 2890 or the hours worked cannot be determined from the verification.
- If any change is reported, follow up as appropriate.
Example: Ms. P was approved to receive TANF and SNAP January 2017 through December 2018. She is currently employed. In May Ms. P receives Form 2890 to complete and return to the FCRC by June 2nd. Ms. P completes Form 2890 with no reported changes and mails it back to the FCRC. Verification of weekly hours worked were not included. The HSC sends Form 267 VCL, requesting proof of weekly hours. Allow 10 calendar days for the customer to return verifications. The Work Number may also be used to verify hours worked.
Customer Reports a Change
- (FCRC) Reviews Form 2890 for any reported changes and updates the case to reflect the change.
- For SNAP, verify an income reported change to Question #4, "Has the income from work changed for any member of your household?" and the response is answered "Yes". Verify a new report of a child support obligation that was not reported in the previous 6 month contact. No other reported changes are verified.
- For TANF, verify the number of hours worked and any other reported changes. Check the Work Number first to verify hours worked, if verification is not provided with Form 2890.
- (FCRC) Send a 267 VCL, (Verification Check List), if verification of income is not provided or the information on Form 2890 is unclear. Allow 10 calendar days for the customer to provide verification. If the 10th day falls after schedule cut-off and the customer does not provide verifications by the due date void SNAP and/or TANF benefits for the payment month, if a timely Notice of Decision (Form 360c) can be sent to the customer at least 10 days before the date of change. Cancel the TANF EDG and SNAP EDG for the following effective month. Do not cancel the Medical EDG. Refer to PM 23-02-01 for Cash Overpayment and PM 23-02-02 for SNAP Overpayment to determine when to consider benefits as an overpayment.
- (FCRC) Send a timely Notice of Decision (Form 360c) when SNAP and/or TANF benefits are voided for the payment month if the 10th day falls after schedule-cut and the customer does not provide verification by the due date of Form 267 VCL. Cancel the SNAP EDG and TANF EDG for the following effective month. Do not cancel the Medical EDG. Review the case for any overpayment and take the appropriate action.
Example: Ms. J's receives TANF and SNAP. Ms. J's approval period is December 2017 through November 2018. In April, Ms. J receives her Mid-Point Report form due May 2nd. Ms. J completes Form 2890 and mails it back to the FCRC by the due date. She has reported a change in income and has provided paystubs. For TANF, the paystubs verifies hours worked. Because Ms. J has reported a change the HSC must make the appropriate changes to the case. After the appropriate changes have been made document the action taken in case comments.
Form 2890 Returned After Due Date But Before the 7th Month in the Approval Period
- Returned before the end of month 6 of the approval period:
- (Customer) Returns Form 2890 before end of month 6 in their approval period.
- (FCRC) Reinstates benefits without proration.
- Returned in month 7 of the approval period
- (Customer) Returns Form 2890 after month 6th in their approval period.
- (FCRC) Prorates benefits from the date of receipt.
Note: The household must file a new application if Form 2890 is received after the 7th month in their approval period.