LeAnndra Keltner, CISA
David Ogunbode, CSO
Jane Nesbit, DDSME
Reta Hoskin, DHS
Teresa Positano, Options & Advocacy
Cindy Sullivan, Options & Advocacy
Carolyn Racki, PACT
Mary Kaye Speidel, SICCS
Michelle Tibbs, WISC
Andrea Medley
Troy Markert
Terry Cremer, Association for Individual Development
Celia Feinstein, CFA, Inc.
Leslie Hart, Day One Network -comments submitted & discussed
Betty Jackson, Envision Unlimited
Alisha O'Boyle, Livingston County MHB
Missy Kichline, Parent
For Team 3 Celia Feinstein is the facilitator and is unable to participate today, Jane Nesbit is the chairperson, and Michelle Tibbs is the communicator.
Jane Nesbit welcomed and thanked everyone for participating in the meeting and contributing to the changes to improve the PUNS process.
* Conference Call 2/24/16 1:30pm-3pm (same call in# and passcode#)
Minutes written and prepared by Michelle Tibbs
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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