May 18, 2016 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 18, 2016, 9:00am to 1:00pm


  • 401 S Clinton
    1st Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • Call In: 888-4944032
    Code: 5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Fiscal Update
    1. FY17 Contracts and Update
  5. Committee Updates & Motions
    1. DMC/RED
    2. Executive Committee
    3. JDAI
      1. Compliance Update
    4. Planning & Grants
    5. Youth Advisory Board
  6. Other Project Updates
    1. Expungement Study Release
    2. Juvenile Officers Association Conference Update
  7. Notable Legislation
  8. New Business
  9. Public Comment
  10. Next Meeting
    July 20, 2016
  11. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting called to order at 9:16am.
  2. Roll Call
    Chairman George Timberlake, Co-Chairperson Lisa Jacobs. Commissioners: Rodney Ahitow, Julie Biehl, Jacqueline Bullard, Veronica Dixon, Esther Franco-Payne, George Hill, Arnetra Jackson, Patrick Nelson, Ben Roe, Rick Velasquez and Dana Weiner. Quorum present. Guests: Susan Witkin, CPRD; Claudia Kasten-Juvenile Trial Division Chief, Claudia Gilhooley-Assistant Director of Lake County Juvenile Court Services, Lynette Hampton-Superintendent of Detention and Mary Marsolek-Resource Coordinator all from Lake County. Staff: Julie Stremlau, Dick Walsh and Karima Douglas.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Velasquez motioned to approve minutes from March 2016, Commissioner Weiner seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
  4. Fiscal Update
    1. FY17 Contracts and Update
      Co-Chairperson Jacobs explained the recent updates to the FY17 contracts. She informed the group of the new GATA (Grant Accountability and Transparency Act) requirements. This is legislation that will increase accountability and transparency in the use of grand funds while reducing the administrative burden on both State agencies and grantees through the adoption of federal grant guidance and regulations at 2CFR Part 200 (Uniform Requirements). This includes the Uniform Notice for Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process. The Juvenile Justice programs received an exemption from completing the entire process this year. This exemption was in part due to the fact the IJJC just recently processed a Request for Funding (RFP) for FY17 and also due to the diligent work by Karrie Rueter, Associate Director of Youth Intervention Services Bureau. Co-Chairperson Jacobs noted that the Planning and Grants Committee discussed the future issues surrounding these new protocols. Chairman Timberlake added that Karrie Rueter will be explaining this process to the Redeploy group. The Commission would like her to address this group also and consider bringing a fiscal representative, if needed. This would be the July 20th meeting. Co-Chairperson Jacobs explained the exhibits that are in the packet and that they describe what we need for FY17. The local data is going to be delved into more deeply and then the state level data systems should still be used.
      We need the councils to have that data map from which they determine their strategies, etc. We are pushing the deliverables on this. The toughest is going to be probation data. We know councils are having issues with the DMC data.  There is a need to address all nine decision points. Illinois has never achieved this in the past. Susan Witkin explained the data issues and what we need to do moving forward. Susan Witkin, Karima Douglas and Peg Robertson have been working on the data issues and working on a tool for grantees. They will meet again May 19th. Susan Witkin explained the councils need to understand their communities and their youth.They need to know where to look for data and if it is not available then initiate a process to acquire the data.Commissioner Velasquez asked if the Commission is asking more of these agencies than what we initially requested in the applications.  Co-Chairperson Jacobs stated that the plan is definitely in position with the expectations and goals the Commission put out. She added that she knows this will be a challenge but it is what we need and it is in alignment with the juvenile court act and the IJJC proposed goals. The Councils know this data is needed. Chairman Timberlake added that the Commission will have strong involvement with the councils and will address the concerns that arise. We need to provide the tools they need to meet the requirements we set.
      Co-Chairperson Jacobs further explained the current funding focus areas and amounts listed. The plan today is to address these areas and for the Commission to determine what will continue, end or the creation of new areas of focus.
      Illinois Balanced and Restorative Justice (IBARJ) funding is being considered at $20,000. The group discussed the aspects of IBARJ and what they do. Commissioner Hill noted the differences in Cook County versus down state officers and detention centers. The IJJC would like a written report from IBARJ that explains their policies and practices. We will ask IBARJ to present to the Planning and Grants Committee at the June 8th meeting. Karima Douglas reminded the group of the Mid-Year Review we received from IBARJ. There is valuable information in this report but the IJJC would like more detail.
      Illinois Department of Corrections was assessed for $185,000. The Commission has funded IDOC for monitoring and compliance requirements. Commissioner Franco-Payne is working with IDOC to determine how to achieve this goal with more assistance from IDOC instead of the Commission. The IJJC has been a funding source for this requirement for many years and this cost has been well documented as an expense the IJJC does not believe it should have to fulfill. Compliance Monitor, Dick Walsh, explained that IDJJ has a requirement to monitor their detention centers. The monitors are to accompany IDJJ staff on these reviews. No reviews have taken place this year. The Commission asks that the JDAI Committee look into this oversight. The group agreed to continue funding until an alternate source can be found.
      Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) (The Authority) was reviewed for $30,000. ICJIA provides data analysis and information to the IJJC. They do a statewide data snapshot and they are on call for all our data requests. Commissioner Biehl commented that ICJIA is very well funded and we may want to scale back this amount. Megan Alderden from ICJIA explained that the Authority does not have unlimited funds and also that ICJIA supplements the IJJC funding to complete its work. Commissioner Biehl commended the Authority for their work on the Expungement Report. Co-Chairperson Jacobs also added that the IJJC appreciates the collaboration we have with ICJIA and believes the excellent communication and work we have accomplished recently reflects that arrangement. The group discussed and recommends keeping ICJIA at this amount.
      Center for Prevention and Research Development (CPRD) was considered for $240,000. CPRD does the detention data website, technical assistance and this amount includes the day to day data work of Susan Witkin, CPRD Senior Research Program Coordinator.  They complete the updates to the website and maintenance of JMIS Detention Website. It was noted this is a baseline amount that may alter when we have a better idea of what the juvenile justice councils my need moving forward. The Commission would like to continue support for CPRD at this amount.
      The Illinois Association of Juvenile Justice Councils (IAJJC) provides training and technical assistance to local councils in creating and maintaining juvenile justice councils. The IAJJC is being considered for $40,000. Chairman Timberlake explained this is a bare bones amount for the function of this group. There is consideration in combining trauma work in connection with this work/a model and training is being created. He believes the IJJC want to work with the IAJJC but at this time are not sure what that work should be. The Commission would like this contract assessed and discussed further. Chairman Timberlake further questioned the plan to delay this approval. We may need to approve this amount so we are not behind with the state procurement steps that need to be met. The IJJC approves this amount at this time and will allow change to this amount as needed and discussed at the next Planning and Grants meeting on June 8th.
      The John Howard Legal Literacy Clinic was discussed for funding up to $20,000 for their program. The John Howard Association of Illinois and the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center run a program that provides legal literacy education clinics to "automatic transfer" youth, minors charged with serious criminal offenses that are automatically transferred to adult criminal court for prosecution and the youths' families. The Planning and Grants Committee discussed this at length.  There are two issues.  One, how much grant funding will be spend down and how much will be left over.  The amount of unexpended funds is not clear at this time.  The amount will be clearer closer to the end of the fiscal year. Chairman Timberlake explained that the Commission is basically tentatively planning for the needs of our Committees and the IJJC as a whole. We do our best to attempt to meet these needs without knowing the future or the grant amounts that will be allotted.  Until there is a clearer financial picture funding for this clinic was not voted upon. Commissioner Hill motioned to approve funding for IDOC, ICJIA and CPRD.  IBARJ, IAJJC and John Howard will be further evaluated by the Planning and Grants Committee with approval by the Executive Committee if necessary to meet contract deadlines.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Velasquez.  Motion passed. 
  5. Committee Updates & Motions
    1. DMC/RED
      The group again talked about DMC and the data needed.Susan Witkin, Karima Douglas and Peg Robertson continue working on the data issues and the tool for grantees.  They will meet again May 19th.
    2. Executive Committee
      No updates at this time.
    3. JDAI
      1. Compliance Update
        Dick Walsh gave the Compliance Update and explained that our Jail Removal violations continue to increase. He further explained that the investigations of the more serious crimes take time and the police will not release the youth until that process is complete.  There continues to be concern over the differences in federal law and Illinois law.  The Commission would like the JDAI Committee to address these numbers and the issues we face concerning remaining in compliance with OJJDP.
    4. Planning & Grants
      Refer to discussion over current funding and updates.
    5. Youth Advisory Board
      Karima Douglas, DMC Chairperson and YAB Leader gave the update. The YAB will meet next week.
  6. Other Project Updates
    1. Expungement Study Release
      Commissioner Biehl explained that the Expungement Study was released and distributed on April 28th. Commissioner Biehl thanked her staff for all their work on the report and she thanked Karima Douglas and Julie Stremlau for their work in getting the reports distributed. She added that the report has received excellent feedback.
    2. Juvenile Officers Association Conference Update
      None noted. 
  7. Notable Legislation
    None noted. 
  8. New Business
    Co-Chairperson Jacobs noted the Kewanee Detention Center closure is moving forward. The youth will be moved to another facility. It was noted, most of the youth housed at Kewanee are sex offenders. The Federal Registry continues to be a huge obstacle to all Juveniles listed as sex offenders. Co-Chairperson Jacobs noted the issues that still exist for these youth was directly reflected in the Juvenile Sex Offender Study. The issues exist and must be addressed. Commissioner Biehl agreed we need to move forward and address the concerns with these youth and also the Expungement concerns. It was noted that the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) provides legal representation for these youth.
  9. Public Comment
    None noted.
  10. Next Meeting
    July 20, 2016
  11. Adjournment
    Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 11:45am.