The Integrated Eligibility System (IES) is the web-based eligibility system that workers have been using since October 2013 to determine initial eligibility at intake. In Phase 2 of IES all eligibility caseworkers in DHS and HFS will transition to using IES exclusively and the legacy systems (such as AIS, ACM, IPACS and the CDB) will be retired. External agency partners, contractual, and sub-contractual staff who need to see current eligibility information will also transition to IES in Phase 2.
This "roadmap" will provide external agencies and Inquiry only HFS and DHS staff with an overview of the IES training they will receive prior to Phase 2 Go Live. Each "checkpoint" in this roadmap provides information about a separate training component. Not all checkpoints are required for everyone, but this is explained in more detail in each section. Your Agency Security Administrator (ASA) will register you for any necessary instructor-led trainings or webinars - most external agencies and Inquiry Only HFS and DHS staff will not need this degree of training; this roadmap will tell you what to expect.
This training curriculum is designed for external contractual, sub-contractual or partner agencies as well as Inquiry Only DHS and HFS staff that do not have an individualized Training Roadmap . Current external agency job roles that will receive targeted training include HFS SASS/CARES contractors, DCFS, and WVS Providers.
Checkpoint 1: IES Computer-Based Tutorials (CBTs)
IES Computer-Based Tutorials (CBTs) are self-paced learning courses that you access and complete at your desk computer.You will take three - five CBTs in order to learn basic system structure, how to navigate in the system and how to look up basic information. Researching in IES and IES Navigation may not be a necessity for your job function but you can take it if you wish. These CBTs are abbreviated to exclude FCRC Caseworker functionality which is not applicable for this audience. If you are an HFS or DHS Staff person and you wish to see the CBTs that include Caseworker functionality you may view them on OneNet through the IES Training Resource Center. Each CBT takes 10-40 minutes to complete.
- Quick Introduction to IES
- Quick IES Case Structure
- IES Inquiry w/ brief Research Module
- Researching in IES (only HFS and DHS Staff)
- IES Navigation (only HFS and DHS Staff)
Checkpoint 2: Reference Materials
There are resources available within IES that will assist you once you are using the system.
- IES Online Help Wizards provide step-by-step instructions on how to complete a task in IES. The wizards are available using the Online Help feature in IES.
- Job Aids are available to help with specific job functions for your role in IES.
If you have any questions about the IES Training for external users, please contact the PACIS Transition Team at .