Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board - Executive Committee January 19, 2016


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Executive Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


January 19, 2016

9:30am to 11:30am


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Think Tank Video Conference Room 
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive Video Conference Room


  1. Call to Order
  2. Member Update
  3. Annual Report Review/Approval
  4. Next Meeting: * Full RIOB - February 19, 2016 - 9:30a.m.
  5. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:34 a.m.
  2. Roll Call
    Grace Hong-Duffin, Anne Studzinski, Karrie Rueter, Jim McCarter, Shamsideen Balogun (representing John Maki), Heidi Mueller and George Timberlake appeared by phone. Staff and Guests: Steven Sawyer, Lindsey LaPointe, Angie Jimenez and John Payne (appeared by phone).
  3. Member Update
    The announcement was made that DHS Secretary James Dimas appointed Karrie Rueter as Chair of the Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board. Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice Deputy Director of Programs Heidi Mueller will replace Mary Reynolds who has accepted a position at the Illinois State Board of Education. One Hope United Senior Vice President Timothy Snowden will replace Pat Griffith who is retiring. Karrie Rueter has requested appointments to the Redeploy Oversight Board from the Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court, the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts and the Illinois State Board of Education.
    There was discussion regarding the need for recruiting additional members to the Oversight Board. Several recommendations and concerns were raised but all agreed that this subject would be brought up at the next full Board meeting and that we would need to reconvene the Redeploy Oversight Board Membership Committee to take up the matter.
  4. Annual Report Review/Approval
    Karrie Rueter provided the Executive Committee and Redeploy Oversight Board with a draft of the 2014 Redeploy Annual Report. Karrie reviewed the report with the Executive Committee and asked for input. George Timberlake had questions regarding the Executive Summary. Jim McCarter suggested adding language regarding the state budget impasse and the impact it is having on Redeploy site providers. Karrie Rueter asked Jim McCarter and Anne Studzinski for assistance in crafting that language. Karrie Rueter also reminded the Executive Committee that she will very soon begin preparing the Redeploy 10-Year Report and could include that information in that report. She also suggested including success stories of former youth participants in the next report. She noted that there have been success stories over the life of the Redeploy program, but it might be interesting to follow up with some of the cases from years past to chart their progress.
    Suggested changes were also made to the logic model section and a discussion regarding DMC. Karrie Rueter discussed the plan to do a more in-depth analysis of DMC in Redeploy counties. Karrie will be working with Esther and the DMC committee of the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission to design and begin the analysis. The plan would be to include as much DMC information as available in the upcoming 10-year report. The group agreed that some kind of note was appropriate for the section of the report where participant demographics are included.  The Executive Committee reviewed the juvenile detention analysis data. Karrie requested that George Timberlake take a more detailed look at the Detention section in conjunction with the Detention report that the Commission has just released.
    Karrie Rueter said draft revisions will be made and send to the Redeploy Oversight Board before the next Board meeting and she and Anne Studzinski will call another Executive Committee meeting to finalize and approve the report.
  5. Next Meeting
    The next Executive Committee meeting is tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 18 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
  6. Adjourn
    The meeting was adjourned at 12:02 p.m.