Elgin Mental Health Center - GRF

FY17 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund

Staff (June 30th)

FY16 EOY FY17 Adj. FY17 Request
Staff (June 30th) 751.1 751.1


Appropriation Name FY16 Est. Exp. FY17 Adj. FY17 Request
Personal Services $56,285.0 $2,655.4 $58,940.4
Social Security $4,082.5 $426.4 $4,508.9
Subtotal $60,367.5 $3,081.8 $63,449.3
Contractual $4,733.3 $4,733.3
Travel $14.2 $14.2
Commodities $1,245.6 $1,245.6
Printing $49.1 $49.1
Equipment $36.9 $36.9
Telecommunications $221.1 $221.1
Op of Automotive $181.9 $181.9
Living Skills $15.0 $15.0
Subtotal $6,497.1 $6,497.1
Total Appropriation $66,864.6 $3,081.8 $69,946.4

FY17 Adjustments

FY17 Adjustments
Personal Services Annualized cost of staff; does not include Steps and COLA $2,655.4
Social Security Annualized cost at 7.65% $426.4