Inspector General - GRF

FY17 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund

Staff (June 30th)

FY16 EOY FY17 Adj. FY17 Request
Staff (June 30th) 72.0 72.0


Appropriation Name FY16 Est. Exp. FY17 Adj. FY17 Request
Personal Services $5,203.2 $1,154.8 $6,358.0
Social Security $391.2 $95.2 $486.4
Subtotal $5,594.4 $1,250.0 $6,844.4
Contractual $98.5 $98.5
Travel $239.0 $239.0
Commodities $26.0 $26.0
Equipment $65.7 $65.7
Telecommunications $101.7 $101.7
Non PS&F Subtotal $530.9 $530.9
Total Appropriation $6,125.3 $1,250.0 $7,375.3

FY17 Adjustments

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Annualized cost of staff; does not include Steps and COLA $1,154.8
Social Security Annualized cost at 7.65% $95.2