Addiction Treatment - GRF

FY17 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund 

Staff (June 30th)  

FY16 EOY FY17 Adj. FY17 Request
Staff (June 30th) 15.0 15.0

Appropriations GRF

Appropriation Name FY16 Est. Exp. FY17 Adj. FY17 Request
Personal Services $715.5 $41.1 $756.6
Social Security $53.3 $4.6 $57.9
Subtotal $768.8 $45.7 $814.5
Contractual $1.4 $1.4
Travel $1.5 $1.5
Equipment $1.1 $1.1
Telecommunications $25.0 $25.0
Subtotal $29.0 $29.0
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible $37,379.7 $6,000.0 $43,379.7
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible (Care Coordination) $17,204.2 ($17,204.2)
Addiction Treatment Services $29,720.5 ($9,000.0) $20,720.5
DCFS Clients $7,365.1 $7,365.1
Addiction Treatment-Spec Pop $5,824.7 $5,824.7
Pilot Program Opioid Dependents $500.0 $500.0
Subtotal $97,994.2 ($20,204.2) $77,790.0
Total Appropriation $98,792.0 ($20,158.5) $78,633.5

FY17 Adjustments

Adjustments Descriptions Amount
Personal Services Annualized cost of staff; does not include Steps and COLA $41.1
Social Security Annualized cost at 7.65% $4.6
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible Additional funding to support estimated Medicaid liability $6,000.0
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible (Care Coordination) MCO funding transfer to Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) ($17,204.2)
Addiction Treatment Services Opioid Maintenance Therapy Conversion to Medicaid, funded through the Health Care Provider Relief Fund instead of GRF ($9,000.0)