Rehabilitation Services Bureaus - All Funds

FY17 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds 

Staff (June 30th) 

FY16 EOY FY17 Adj. FY17 Request
Staff (June 30th) 557.8 557.8


Appropriation Name FY16 Est. Exp. FY17 Adj. FY17 Request
Personal Services $43,013.6 $9.5 $43,023.1
Retirement $19,477.3 ($437.0) $19,040.3
Social Security $3,289.5 $102.2 $3,391.7
Group Insurance $12,895.4 $395.8 $13,291.2
Subtotal $78,675.8 $70.5 $78,746.3
Contractual $8,689.8 $8,689.8
Travel $1,468.1 $1,468.1
Commodities $318.8 $318.8
Printing $150.1 $150.1
Equipment $676.9 $676.9
Telecommunications $1,512.7 $1,512.7
Op of Automotive $5.7 $5.7
Support Service In-Service Training (081) $366.7 $366.7
Subtotal $13,188.8 $13,188.8
Case Services to Individuals $8,950.9 $8,950.9
Independent Living Centers $4,296.5 $4,296.5
Independent Living Older Blind $134.1 $134.1
DRS Balancing Incentive Program (BIP) $2,349.9 $2,349.9
DRS Federal Match for Employment Related Grants $102.0 $102.0
Case Services to Individuals (036) $2,413.7 $2,413.7
Case Services to Individuals (081) $55,000.0 $55,000.0
Supported Empl-Implement Title VI Part C (081) $1,900.0 $1,900.0
Case Services Migrant Workers (081) $210.0 $210.0
Independent Living Centers (081) $2,000.0 $2,000.0
IL Coalition Citizens w Disabilities (081) $77.2 $77.2
Technical Assistance Project (081) $1,050.0 $1,050.0
Small Business Enterprise Program (081) $3,527.3 $3,527.3
Independent Living Older Blind (081) $1,745.5 $1,745.5
Subtotal $83,757.1 $83,757.1
Total Appropriation $175,621.7 $70.5 $175,692.2

FY17 Adjustments

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Annualized cost of staff; does not include Steps and COLA $9.5
Retirement Annualized cost at rate of 44.56% ($437.0)
Social Security Annualized cost at 7.65% $102.2
Group Insurance Annualized cost at $24K per person $395.8