Addiction Treatment - All Funds

FY17 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds   

 Staff (June 30th) 

FY16 EOY FY17 Adj. FY17 Request
Staff (June 30th) 57.0 57.0

Appropriations - All Funds

Appropriation Name FY16 Est. Exp. FY17 Adj. FY17 Request
Personal Services $3,502.7 $41.1 $3,543.8
Retirement $1,270.9 ($28.9) $1,242.0
Social Security $266.5 $28.3 $294.8
Group Insurance $644.0 $28.0 $672.0
Subtotal $5,684.1 $68.5 $5,752.6
Contractual $1,229.1 $1,229.1
Travel $201.5 $201.5
Commodities $53.8 $53.8
Printing $35.0 $35.0
Equipment $15.4 $15.4
EDP $300.0 $300.0
Telecommunications $142.8 $142.8
Op of Automotive $20.0 $20.0
Alcohol Sub Abuse Prevent Treat $215.0 $215.0
Subtotal $2,212.6 $2,212.6
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible $37,379.7 $6,000.0 $43,379.7
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible (Care Coordination) $17,204.2 ($17,204.2)
Addiction Treatment Services $29,720.5 ($9,000.0) $20,720.5
DCFS Clients $7,365.1 $7,365.1
Addiction Treatment-Spec Pop $5,824.7 $5,824.7
Pilot Program Opioid Dependents $500.0 $500.0
Addiction Treatment Services (013) $57,500.0 $2,500.0 $60,000.0
Group Home Loans (025) $200.0 $200.0
Compulsive Gamblers Treatment (129) $1,029.5 $1,029.5
Addiction Treatment Services (276) $3,212.2 $3,212.2
Addiction Treatment Services (368) $5,105.8 $5,105.8
Addiction Treatment (646) $15,000.0 $15,000.0
Medical Bills & Related Expenses (793) $20,000.0 $20,000.0
Addiction Treatment & Related Ser (910) $530.0 $530.0
Subtotal $200,571.7 ($17,704.2) $182,867.5
Total Appropriation $208,468.4 ($17,635.7) $190,832.7

FY17 Adjustments

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Annualized cost of staff; does not include Steps and COLA $41.1
Retirement Annualized cost at rate of 44.56% ($28.9)
Social Security Annualized cost at 7.65% $28.3
Group Insurance Annualized cost at $24K per person $28.0
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible Additional funding to support estimated Medicaid liability $6,000.0
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible (Care Coordination) MCO funding transfer to Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) ($17,204.2)
Addiction Treatment Services Convert Opioid Maintenance Therapy to Medicaid, funded through the Health Care Provider Relief Fund instead of GRF ($9,000.0)
Addiction Treatment (013) Increase in federal appropriation authority $2,500.0