DDD Recorded Webinars to View or Earn Continuing Education Credits (CEs/CEUs)

Recorded Webinar sessions are listed below and available to earn Continuing Education Credits when awarded.

  • Links to Continuing Education Hours (CEs/CEUs) awarded and Documenting CEs/CEUs links are provided in the table below. 
  • Individuals who hold a professional license can apply the same number of Continuing Education Credits (CEs) as Continuing Education Units (CEUs) credits.

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 Webinars and Handouts Information

Webinar Name, Date and
Recording Link
Webinar Details and
Printed Handout(s)
Directions for documenting recorded webinars are listed Continuing Education Credits

HCWR Training

Recorded on October 24, 2024

Email DHS.BQMQE@illinois.gov for handout 1 hour

Preparing OIG Written Response

Recorded on August 1, 2024

Email DHS.BQMQE@illinois.gov for handout 2 hours

CILA Rate Sheet Overview

Recorded October 18, 2022

N/A 2 hours

PAS Training for ISC's

Recorded on June 12, 2024

Email DHS.BQMQE@illinois.gov for handout 3.25 hours

IntellectAbility (Training on HRST, SAMA and Report options)

Recorded on May 28, 2024

N/A 1 hour

DHS Day Program: Recruitment and Retention Program

March 18, 2024

DHS Day Program: Recruitment and Retention Program March 18, 2024 PDF N/A

Ligas Plan of Corrective Action (POCA) office hours, providing information, and answering questions regarding the POCA process.

POCA Recording from February 14, 2024


Ligas Plan of Corrective Action (POCA) office hours, providing information, and answering questions regarding the POCA process.

POCA Recording from February 2, 2024


Community Integrated Employment

Recorded on January 30, 2024


Intermittent CILA Training:

DDD will be hosting a webinar for providers, individuals and families interested in learning more about the Intermittent CILA (ICILA) program and ICILA supports. Topics will include a brief overview of the program, common program concerns, how providers can use Assistive Technology to support an individual in ICILA, and a billing overview. Information on the webinar, including the registration link, is below.

ICILA Recording

N/A 1.75 CEs/CEUs Awarded

Webex meeting recording: Guidehouse Staffing Tables for CILA Providers

Recording link

N/A None

How to create a nursing packet

How to guide to creating a nursing packet

N/A None

Improving Direct Support Professional Retention within Home and Community-Based Services

Cisco Webex Meeting Recording

N/A 2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Approaches to Increasing Independence within Transportation for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Cisco Webex Meetings- Replay Recorded Meeting

N/A No CEs available for this webinar

Supporting People with an Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Diagnoses

  • Randa Abdelrahim (from UIC) could provide an overview of what a dual diagnosis is, some of the stats we have from Illinois from our dual diagnosis project.
  • Susan Kahan or someone from ICPN could talk about trauma-informed care.
  • Would like someone, probably the person from DDD, to talk about options to support mental health outside of the waiver (like in the state plan).
  • Jae Jin talked about having someone from DMH present, to start to form a partnership publicly, but I don't know who that would be - he said he has a contact at DMH he could ask.

Supporting People with IDD and Mental Health Diagnoses

N/A No CEs available for this webinar

Service Capacity Webinar presented by Dr. Caitlin Crabb

Recorded on June 29, 2022 from 1 pm - 2 pm

Capacity Recording

Capacity Report No CEs available for this webinar

Person-Centered Report and Overview of the Person-Centered Planning Process

Review of the Implementation Strategies Template

Recorded on Thursday, June 16, 2022

This webinar will share the changes to the Implementation Strategies completed by providers and discuss its role within the person-centered planning process.

Cisco Webex Meetings - Replay Recorded Meeting

Reports available on demand 2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Person-Centered Report and Overview of the Person-Centered Planning Process

Review of the Personal Plan Template

Recorded on Thursday, June 9, 2022

This webinar will review the updates to the Personal Plan template and clarify its role within the person-centered planning process.

Recording of Personal Plan Webinar

Reports available on demand 2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Person-Centered Report and Overview of the Person-Centered Planning Process

Review of the Discovery Tool Template

Recorded on: June 2, 2022

This webinar will review the updates to the Discovery Process and Tool, highlighting what is new and clarifying the purpose of each section of the tool.

Recording of Discovery Tool Webinar

Reports available on demand 2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Person-Centered Report and Overview of the Person-Centered Planning Process

Recorded on: Thursday, May 26, 2022

This webinar will highlight the work to gather information regarding the current person-centered planning process and the subsequent recommendations. In addition, it will cover an overview of the updated person-centered planning process and purpose

Person-Centered Report and Overview of the Person-Centered Planning Process 

Overview (pdf)

Handout (pdf)

2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

Cannabis Regulation & Tax Act and Its Impact on People with Disabilities

Recorded on: June 1, 2022


Barry Taylor - VP for Civil Rights and Systemic Litigation

Kelsey Burgess - Staff Attorney

Sophia Lau - Staff Attorney

In 2019, the Cannabis Regulation & Tax Act was signed into law. In addition to decriminalizing possession of marijuana, the Act has been heralded as the most equity-centric legislation in the country because it creates a process to expunge past cannabis convictions. On June 1 at 1:00, Equip for Equality will provide a free legal rights training on the new law and opportunities for people with disabilities. The training will include: 1) an overview of the law, 2) how to expunge cannabis convictions, 3) how the law impacts the ADA, employment, housing and immigration, 4) employment opportunities in the cannabis industry, and 5) information about free legal resources for expungement.

Recording of Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act

N/A 2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Communications Support Needs and Accessibility for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind Community

May 25, 2022

1pm - 3pm


Renee Dougherty, IL BEI Advance Interpreter, Community Alternatives Unlimited

Lisa Olson, Activities Coordinator, Kreider Services

Jason Weiland, Program Coordinator, DeafBlind Community Program, Chicago Hearing Society

Bryen M Yunashko, President, Access256 Productions, LLC

Dayonna Baymon, Residential House Manager, Anixter Center

Derek Hedges, Waiver Manager, Medicaid Waiver Unit, Division of Developmental Disabilities

This webinar will discuss how to support people who do not communicate verbally, people who are Deaf/deaf, Deaf/deaf and blind, people with hearing loss, and people who use or who want to access communication devices. This webinar will discuss alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) options to support people with IDD who do not communicate verbally. Information will include the process for applying for funding to purchase AAC (DDD). Attendees will also hear from a self-advocate on how they use AAC to facilitate communication.

Recording for May 25, 2022

N/A 2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Capacity to Consent Webinar


Susan Kahan, UIC - Assessing for Consent Capacity

Barry Lowy, Office of State Guardian - Consent Capacity within Guardianship

April Dear, Seguin Services - How a Disability Service Provider Approaches Consent Capacity

Sara Wright, DHS - How State-Operated Facilities Approach Consent Capacity

TJ Gordan, UIC - A Self-Advocate's Perspective on Consent and Consent Capacity

This virtual panel presentation will focus on consent capacity for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities with an emphasis on consent to engage in sexual activity. The presentation is part of a collaborative effort to implement Public Act 101-0506 which amends the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code and requires all adults with I/DD who receive "habilitation" services to be assessed on consent capacity and developmentally appropriate sex education and resources. The determination of consent capacity will help guide service providers on the identification of developmentally appropriate sex education and resources.

Capacity to Consent recorded Webinar


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

Healthy Sexuality


  • Linda Sandman, Co-Director, Blue Tower Solutions, Inc.
  • Teresa Parks, Deputy Director, Director of Programs, and Human Rights Authority Director, Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
  • Timotheus Gordon Jr; Research Associate/Self-Advocate
  • Jae Jin Pak, Coordinator of Community Education, University of Illinois at Chicago, Institute on Disability and Human Development

This webinar will discuss and share resources for providers to better support adults with I/DD on healthy sexuality and related topics. Providers will gain information on the "Sex Ed" law (PA101-0506). Providers will be informed on various trainings and resources available to assist them and their organizations support individuals with disabilities to be informed and explore sexuality in healthy, safe, and consenting ways.

April 27, 2022 Human Sexuality


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

Recorded on March 23, 2022 from 1 pm - 3 pm

Keeping Community Connections and Ensuring Community Integration for People with DD during COVID


  • Leanne Mull, Co-Director, Blue Tower Solutions, Inc.
  • Jesus (Chuy) Campuzano, Self-Advocate

This webinar will share updates on how COVID has impacted the disability community, including challenges as well as stories of resiliency. Spotlighted will be examples of how self-advocates have connected and built community in this time of social distancing. Examples shared will help providers with ideas on how they can adapt for their organizations and programs to support individuals with disabilities stay connected and find community.

Recording of Keeping Community Connections


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

Recorded on February 23, 2022 2 Hours

Pathways for Accessing Affordable and Subsidized Housing


  • Todd Fuller, Statewide Housing and Employment First Coordinator, IDHS
  • Stephanie Sideman, Senior Program Manager, Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH)

This webinar will discuss various pathways for accessing affordable and subsidized housing including public housing, HUD funded housing and affordable units. There will be a review of the purpose of the Statewide Referral Network (SRN) including prioritized populations served, an exploration of types of housing opportunities are available through the SRN and a discussion of how to become a referral partner with immediate next steps to begin connecting Ligas class members to housing.

Link to February 23, 2022 recording


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

February 25, 2021

1pm - 3pm

Assistive Technology & the Waiver: An overview, plus Remote Supports

Presenter: Derek Hedges, Medicaid Waiver Manager

This webinar will review assistive technology, and home and vehicle modifications available under the Adult DD Waiver and the process for requesting the technology or modifications. Additionally, the webinar will provide resources to educate staff on the use of and help with assistive technology. It will also review the new addition of remote supports that will be effective April 1, 2021. This overview will include how individuals and providers can implement remote supports to increase their independence. Attendees will also have the opportunity to hear from a self-advocate on how they are using assistive technology in their life.

Link to February 25, 2021 recording:


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

March 11, 2021 rerecorded June 2, 2021

1pm - 3pm

Supportive Housing: Supportive Housing Waitlists 101 and How You Can Use the Existing DD Waiver to Fund Supports

Presenter: Todd Fuller, Statewide Housing and Employment First Coordinator & Jennifer Gentile, Deputy Director of Clinical Services

This webinar will start with defining supportive housing and explain the ways individuals with I/DD can control their own housing. Providers will learn the range of existing supportive housing available and how they can work with their ISC agencies to help individuals to access supportive housing waitlists lists in Illinois. The second half of the webinar will focus on using the DD waiver to fund supports in individually controlled housing. Attendees will also have the opportunity to hear from a self-advocate on who will share the important of living in their own home is in their life.

Link to June 2, 2021 recording:


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

April 8, 2021

1pm - 3pm

Behavioral Supports: What Providers Need to Know

Presenters: Jen Gentile, Deputy Director, Clinical Services, Geunyong Pyo, Psychological Services and Dennis Beedle, Medical Director

In conjunction with a new Information Bulletin on behavior supports, this webinar will review the recommended clinical and billing practices for the development and implementation of a behavioral support plan for an individual with I/DD. It will include what is required for behavior services (56U), and appropriate documentation of services and supports within the plan. The webinar will also include a review of the use of the Behavior Management Committee and the Human Rights Committee. Attendees will also have the opportunity to hear from a self-advocate on their experience of the process.

Link to April 8, 2021 recording:


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

April 22, 2021

1pm - 3pm

Dietary and Safe Dining Practices

Presenters: Anne Fitz, Statewide Nursing Coordinator and Patrick Coneff, Speech Language Pathologist

In conjunction with a new Information Bulletin on dietary supports, this webinar will focus on common issues that individuals with developmental disabilities face when eating and drinking, including the increased risk of choking. This webinar covers preventative measures to decrease the risk of choking and aspiration. The second part of this webinar will cover the dietary supports needed to ensure safe and healthy practices and opportunities to assist individuals with following modified or special diets. A self-advocate will share their experience with dietary practices in community settings.

Link to April 22, 2021 recording:


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

May 13, 2021

1pm - 3pm

Abuse & Neglect: What you Need to Know

Presenter: Peter Neumer, Inspector General, Charles Wright, Deputy Inspector General, Bill Diggins, Acting Bureau Chief of Compliance and Evaluation and Meg Cooch, Deputy Director, Ligas Consent Decree

This webinar will review OIG Rule 50, the state's expectations for community-based providers, as well as best practices for supporting individuals with I/DD. It will include guidance for providers, and ISC agencies, and clarify individual rights and ways to support individuals and staff through the abuse and neglect allegation process. It will also include guidance for implementation of actions to prevent future claims.

Link to May 13, 2021 recording:


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

May 27, 2021

1pm - 3pm

Individual Rights, Independence & Social Relationships

Presenter: The Self-Advocacy Alliance

This webinar will provide guidance and support to providers, including ISCs, on how to promote independence and self-determination when working with individuals with I/DD. The presentation will also provide guidance and resources on supporting individuals to manage their own money, schedules and the fostering and maintenance of social relationships.

Link to May 27, 2021 recording:


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

September 9, 2021

1pm - 3pm

Supporting Sex Education: What Providers Need to Know


  • Diana Braun, Self-Advocate
  • Kathy Carmody, CEO, Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
  • Teresa Parks, Deputy Director & Human Rights Authority Director, Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
  • Linda Sandman, Co-Director, Blue Tower Solutions, Inc.
  • Cynthia SchierlSpreen, Bureau Chief, Bureau of Quality Management, DDD

This webinar will review what providers need to know about the amendment to the Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Code that requires access to sex education and related resources and support for interested individuals with I/DD living in Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA), State Operated Developmental Centers (SODC) and Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF/DD), as well as Community Day Services. The webinar will include an overview of provider responsibilities, guardian roles and online resources developed to assist agencies and families including Train the Trainer curricula, FAQs for guardians and agencies and IDHS-approved sexual education materials. Expectations from the Division for providers will also be discussed and attendees will have the opportunity to hear from a self-advocate on the importance of sex education and support in her life.

Link to September 9, 2021 recording:

Train the Trainer- What's Right about Sex Education

2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

October 13, 2021

1pm - 3pm

Employment Webinar: What's New, What's Now!


  • Jeanine Zlockie, Director of Special Projects, National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services
  • Casey Burke, Supported Employment Administrator, Division of Developmental Disabilities

During National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), join the Supported Employment Leadership Network and the Division of Developmental Disabilities to discuss the national landscape of employment supports for people with I/DD. Learn about proposed and pending changes to SEP services, rates and requirements.

Link to October 13, 2021 recording:


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

October 27, 2021

1pm - 3pm

Using Assistive Technology to Increase Independence of Adults with I/DD


  • Derek Hedges, Medicaid Waiver Supervisor, DDD
  • Kathy Hooyenga, Occupational Therapist & Rehabilitation Engineering Technologist, University of Illinois - Chicago (UIC)
  • Fani Lee, Occupational Therapist, UIC
  • Patricia Politano, Speech-Language Pathologist, UIC
  • Vincent Smith, Self-Advocate

This webinar will review ways providers can use assistive technology to help people with I/DD be more independent. This will include information about apps and devices that can assist consumers with self-care tasks, reminders, reading, writing, and travel in the community. In addition, low-tech assistive technology that can enable consumers to handle many tasks around the home environment will be presented. Information will be shared about ways AT can be funded. Attendees will also hear from a self-advocate on how they use assistive technology in their life.

Link to October 27, 2021 recording:


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

November 3, 2021

1pm - 3pm

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Working with People with Dual Diagnosis


  • Amie Burke, BCBA, Illinois Crisis Prevention Network
  • Kim Shontz, LCSW, Illinois Crisis Prevention Network

Supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who also have mental health diagnosis to live their best lives can be challenging! Positive support and understanding along with interventions can go a long way in providing a foundation for success. This webinar will explore behaviors that may occur within the context of a mental health crisis, as well as interventions from a clinical therapy and applied behavior analytic method. Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn from a self-advocate on how positive support and understanding has made a difference in their lives.

Link to November 3, 2021 recording:


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

December 8, 2021

1pm to 3pm

Accessibility 101 for Providers working with Adults with DD who have Physical Access Needs


  • Glenn Hedman, Rehabilitation Engineer, University of Illinois at Chicago, Assistive Technology Unit (UIC-ATU)
  • Kim Kavanagh, Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Chris Stucki, Architect
  • Kathy Waldera, Occupational Therapist & Rehabilitation Engineer, UIC - ATU
  • Marcus Williams, AT Specialist, UIC - ATU
  • Cami Smith, Self-Advocate

This webinar will discuss universal design principles that promote access and independence by adults with DD in the home environment. Information will also be shared about environmental modifications and adaptive equipment that can maximize accessibility and safety in the home. Information will include funding opportunities for home modifications. Attendees will also hear from a self-advocate on how they have moved into an accessible home in the community.

Link to December 8, 2021 recording:


2 hour - CEs/CEUs Awarded

Documenting recorded Webinar CEs/CEUs

Alzheimer's Disease Assessment for Adults with Intellectual Disability (AD/ID) 3 hours - CEs/CEUs Awarded
An Overview of Support Service Teams (SSTs) 0 hours - CEs/CEUs Awarded
Critical Incident Reporting and Analysis System 1.5 hours - CEs Awarded to QIDPs only
Fatal Four in ID/DD Population - Constipation (Bowel Disorders), Aspiration (Dysphagia), Dehydration and Seizure Disorder 1.5 hours - CEs/CEUs Awarded
Required Background Checks and Clearances and Web Portal Instructions 2 hours - CEs/CEUs Awarded

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