Developmental Disabilities Services

To get more information, you can click on the underlined statements below.

**DDD COVID 19 Information 

How Do I Get Started?

  • The first and most important step you and your family can take to get help is to meet with an Independent Service Coordination Agency (ISC) if you are interested in developmental disability services.  They can answer your questions regarding services, link you directly to Intermediate Care Facilities for People with Developmental Disabilities (ICFs/DD) and/or enroll you in the PUNS (database for those who want Medicaid Home and Community Based Services).
  • Search the DHS Office Locator for the ISC agency closest to you.  Select "Developmental Disability Services" for Office Type. Next to "County," select your county. If you are in Cook County, you must select "Cook" and then use your zip code.  The agency that shows can help you learn more about the DD service system.
  • How to Find Your Way Through the Developmental Disability System in Illinois
  • Click on Providers by Service Type to view a list of currently enrolled DD providers and their contact information.
  • Search the Capacity Management Application to find Provider vacancies based on your location. Enter "Illinois Department of Human Services" in Service Lookup window. Select Program Type and enter zip code in Location window. Vacancies will appear in order of nearest to farthest from the zip code entered.
  • Resource Library for Customers  -  This library has helpful information that can help you or your family member in day-to-day situations and has more links for further information.

How Can We Help?