December 14, 2016 Planning and Grants Committe Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Planning and Grants Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


December 14, 2016, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


  • 401 S Clinton
    DMH 2nd Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 815 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL
  • Call in:
    Code:  5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Fiscal Updates
  5. Program Updates
    1. JDAI Committee state-wide strategy update
  6. GATA/NOFO Update and SFY18 Funding Priorities
  7. Other
  8. New Business
  9. Public Comment
  10. Next Meeting
    January 18, 2016
  11. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 9:06 a.m.
  2. Roll Call
    Chairperson Lisa Jacobs, Rick Velasquez, George Hill, Shelley Davis and Julie Biehl, quorum present. Staff: Karima Douglas, Wendy Nussbaum, Julie Stremlau. Guests: Susan Witkin.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Motion to approve the minutes by Commissioner Biehl. Seconded by Commissioner Velasquez. Minutes approved.
  4. Fiscal Updates
    The group reviewed the current FY17 expenditure summary. The spreadsheet will be updated to list only the juvenile justice Youth Network Council contract. The group also discussed the current agencies with minimal spending reported. Cook County and Southland were noted.
  5. Program Updates
    Commissioner and JDAI Chairman Velasquez gave an update on the JDAI Committee state-wide strategy. He explained that the Commission does not have the resources to bring about the changes needed on its own. Collaboration with state and local partners will be necessary. He reported that the JDAI committee is considering several different issues and strategies as it plans future work, including looking at the costs of detention, geographic disparities in detention use, conditions of care in detention facilities and collaboration with state and local stakeholders to ensure best practices in the use of detention and the care of youth.
  6. GATA/NOFO Update and SFY18 Funding Priorities
    Executive Director Wendy Nussbaum reported on the process and timelines for issuance of "Notices of Funding Opportunities" for State Fiscal Year 2018. The Committee discussed the primary strategies and activities for which NOFOs should be considered, including state-level / cross-site system improvement (including data collection and monitoring), training and technical assistance, and local system analysis and improvement. The group discussed core compliance reporting requirements for DMC. IJJC Chairman Timberlake asked about the goals for DMC compliance.  The Committee discussed the costs and benefits of funding juvenile justice councils that consistently struggle with producing required DMC data and outcomes or withholding funding where deliverables aren't met and instead investing those dollars into more motivated grantees. Commissioner Hill acknowledged that if money is not provided to local jurisdictions to work on DMC reduction, they will not act. However, Karima Douglas, DMC Coordinator, added that even when local sites are provided funding they still choose not to act. Commissioner Davis offered that if addressing DMC has been such a struggle for years, then the Commission and staff should consider changing the way it uses funding to achieve desired results. In order to maintain compliance, there needs to be a technical assistance initiative that is data-driven, locally tailored and may not necessarily be tied to ongoing funding.  Committee members also engaged in a detailed discussion of the challenges in providing direct technical assistance to local stakeholders and juvenile justice councils and discussed the advantages and challenges of contracting for that targeted technical assistance. There is a focus on providing funding, detention alternatives, and addressing ethnic disparities. The Commission worked on developing a strategy that would be useful in NOFO data. Questions brought up: how do we get these bodies to collaborate, what to change, and how to make the change work? More facilitation is needed rather than solely technical assistance.
  7. New Business
    None noted.
  8. Public Comment
    None noted.
  9. Next Meeting
    Executive Meeting: January 4, 2017
    IJJC: January 11, 2017
    Planning and Grants: January 18, 2017
  10. Adjourn
    Motion to adjourn by IJJC Chairman Timberlake. Seconded by Chairperson Jacobs. Meeting adjourned at 10:29 a.m.