February 10, 2016 Planning and Grants Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Planning and Grants Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


February 10, 2016, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


  • 401 S Clinton
    7th Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 815 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL
  • 888-494-4032  Code:  5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
    January 13, 2016
  4. John Howard Association / Cook County Public Defender: Legal Literacy Program at Cook County JTDC
  5. Expungement Report Release
  6. Fiscal Update
    1. Grant Expenditures
    2. 2016 Grant Application
  7. JJC Application Review and Scoring Update
  8. SFY 2017 System Improvement Grants - Review of Reports
  9. New Business
  10. Public Comment
  11. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called or order at 9:11am.
  2. Roll Call
    Planning and Grants Chairperson Lisa Jacobs, IJJC Chairman George Timberlake, Julie Biehl, Rick Velasquez and Esther Franco-Payne. Quorum present.
    Staff: Karima Douglas, Julie Stremlau and Grace Hong Duffin. Guests: Susan Witkin.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    January 13, 2016:  Planning and Grants Chairperson Jacobs motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
  4. John Howard Association / Cook County Public Defender: Legal Literacy Program
    The John Howard request was the first order of business. Chairperson Jacobs gave a short overview of the funding proposal submitted in response to the Commission's outreach. The program was started about 3 years ago to provide basic legal education to youth held in the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center awaiting trial and sentencing on adult charges. Funding is being requested to support the program over the next year, while JHA recruits more volunteer attorneys and develops training and other materials that can assist in the transition of the program to the Office of the Cook County Public Defender. She recalled statements of Peter Parry of the Public Defender's Office, at the prior Planning and Grants Committee meeting indicating that they are fully supportive of this project and intend to work with JHA to institutionalize and sustain it within their office after an initial grant period. Acting Executive Director, Grace Hong Duffin asked if there was currently a program in place for literacy and Ms. Jacobs reported that JHA had created and supported the outreach to transferred youth on a quasi-volunteer basis, without dedicated funding to do so. Commissioner Biehl noted her concerns, including the idea that public defenders should be performing this role with their clients and that there are other populations of youth without attorneys who could benefit from "know your rights" education. IJJC Chairman Timberlake stated that the public defender's commitment to support the program is in alignment with our system improvement goals. He added that the IJJC would not fund this project year by year and that the public defender's office will need to sustain it moving forward. After a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Velasquez motioned to approve up to $20,000 for the project. IJJC Chairman Timberlake seconded the motion. Commissioner Biehl abstained. Motion passed.
  5. Expungement Report Release
    Commissioner Biehl updated the group on the release of the Expungement Study. She indicated they had a productive meeting with the graphic designer and believes there will be a final round of editing before the report is ready to go. She indicated that a March 1st release looks feasible. Chairperson Jacobs noted that Commissioner Biehl did an excellent job of presenting the Expungement Study to the Leadership Council. Grace Hong Duffin reported that there is legislation currently pending to expand some aspects of juvenile expungement. Commissioner Biehl reported that the Commission's report on sexual offending by youth was quoted extensively in an amicus brief supporting the proposition that registry of youth as sex offenders is ineffective, unnecessary and unconstitutional. She hopes the expungement report will also be viewed as a resource to juvenile justice policy makers and stakeholders.
  6. Fiscal Update
    1. Grant Expenditures
      The group reviewed the current fiscal reports and noted that expenditures are on track.
    2. 2016 System Improvement grants
      The Mid-Year Reviews have been received from most System Improvement Grantees. The reviews will be read and discussed by Planning and Grants Committee at the March meeting to be sure we know what has been done, has it worked, if their plans still fit with the IJJC goals and how these programs will be addressed in our greatly reduced budget. The group discussed the DCFS and the Commission's support for the Pay For Success project evaluation design. Staff will seek an update of their progress thus far. The group also discussed how IDOC and the Commission need to review the current budget and discuss IDOC taking on more of the monitoring expenses, due to declining federal funding. Mike Funk was named a contact person for this discussion.
  7. JJC Application Review and Scoring Update
    Applications are due, Friday February 19th by 5:00pm. The group discussed circulation and scoring processes, depending upon how many applications are received. The initial review and discussion will take place on March 4th. The next review will be at the Planning and Grants meeting on March 9th. The final review and move for approval of the applications will take place at the full Commission meeting on March 16th.
  8. New Business
    None Noted.
  9. Public Comment
    None Noted.
  10. Adjournment
    Commissioner Biehl motioned to adjourn. IJJC Chairman Timberlake seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 10:20am.