April 11, 2016 DMC Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


April 11, 2016, 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 


  • 21 S Clark Street
    Suite 4301
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. DMC Forum Series Discussion
    1. Debrief- overall comments, observations, feedback
    2. Review café "harvests"
  5. Strategic Planning
  6. DMC Toolkit
  7. Youth Advisory Board Update
  8. New Business | Public Comment
  9. Next Meeting Date- May 9, 2016
  10. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 2:38pm.
  2. Roll Call
    Present: Esther Franco-Payne, Arnetra Jackson. No quorum.  Guests: Erica Hughes, Sara Balgoyen, IBARJ, Joyce Knox, Miquel Lewis, Korynna Lopez, Carlton Binion, Mashaun Hendricks, Stephanie Kollmann, Henrika McCoy, Sarah Yousuf.  Staff: Julie Stremlau, Karima Douglas and ICOY Intern Chelsea Nixon. 
  3. Approval of Minutes
    No quorum, unable to approve minutes.
  4. DMC Forum Series Discussion
    1. Debrief- participant evaluations, overall comments, observations We reached around 300 people over the course of the three Cook County forums. Those people included youth, advocates, members of law enforcement, and youth service providers. Overall, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Most participants liked hearing from expert speakers and panelists and appreciated meeting new people from diverse disciplines. Most critiques centered on the amount of time devoted to networking and questions and answers.
    2. Review café "harvests"
      Café harvests were incredibly fruitful. Staff recorded and categorized participant feedback in order to aid the committee's ongoing project planning. Participants responded to "action planning" discussions using each of the committee's core priority areas including: DMC and law enforcement, school to prison pipeline and DMC and mental health. Those categorized responses were included in this month's meeting packet. The Committee will act on several of those recommendations in the upcoming year.
  5. Strategic Planning
    Chairperson Franco-Payne discussed the planning the group needs to do. We have to include the focus and outcomes the Commission would like to see in addition to what the DMC Committee members want. Café harvests provided the basis of the planning discussion. The Committee began discussing how to incorporate recommendations arising out of the harvests into tangible action steps. Action can look like legislative reform efforts, funding, data collection and analysis, "communications," and training. Committee members suggested prioritizing diversion, training and relationship building for improving DMC at the initial point of contact with the system. The Committee will continue planning discussions at the May meeting.
  6. DMC Toolkit
    Karima Douglas reported on the ongoing toolkit project. There is a draft copy of the toolkit that needs further review by Commissioners and committee members. Chairperson Franco-Payne will work to get edits from other Commissioners in order to move closer towards publication and dissemination.
  7. Youth Advisory Board Update
    Karima Douglas reported that recruitment is underway for this year's Youth Advisory Board. There will be conference calls set for prospective members towards the end of April followed by the first official meeting in late April, early May. Committee members were asked to submit names of recommended youth as soon as possible.
  8. New Business | Public Comment
    None noted.
  9. Next Meeting Date
    May 9, 2016
  10. Adjourn
    Meeting was adjourned at 4:07pm.