Numerical Goals

FY24 Numerical Goals

1. Area To Be Addressed:

Address DHR Region 1's underutilization of 182 Hispanics in the Technician EEO Job category, 12 Hispanics, 5 females, and 1 Asian in the Skilled Craft EEO Job category, and 59 Hispanics in the Services Maintenance EEO Job category.


Reduce Region 1 underutilizations as stated above.


For FY24, as vacancies occur, hire/promote at least 10 Hispanics in the Technician EEO Job category, 1 Hispanic in the Skilled Craft EEO Job category, and 5 Hispanics in the Services Maintenance EEO Job category. Efforts will be made to continue to diversify our workforce with qualified people.

2. Area To Be Addressed:

Address DHR Region 2's underutilization of 3 Asians in the Professional EEO Job category.


Reduce Region 2 underutilizations as stated above.


For FY24, as vacancies occur, hire/promote Asians in the Professional EEO Job category. Efforts will be made to continue to diversify our workforce with qualified people to address underutilizations.

3. Area to Be Addressed:

DHR Region 3 has an underutilization of 3 Asians and 1 African American in the Professional EEO Job category, 1 Hispanic and 1 American Indian/Alaskan Native in the Technician EEO Job category, and 1 Hispanic in the Service Maintenance EEO Job category. The civilian labor force of American Indian/Alaskan Natives in the Technician EEO Job category is less than 2%, therefore no goals are required. DHR Region 3 has an Asian underutilization in the Para-Professional EEO Job category, however, DHR does not count Para-Professional missed opportunities, because the data is not reliable.


Reduce Region 3 underutilizations as stated above.


For FY24, as vacancies occur, hire/promote Asians and African Americans in the Professional category, Hispanics in the Technician EEO Job category, and Hispanics in the Service Maintenance EEO Job category. Efforts will be made to continue to diversify our workforce with qualified people to address underutilizations.

4. Area To Be Addressed:

Address DHR Region 4's underutilization of 1 Asian in the Professional EEO Job category, 11 Hispanics and 1 Asian in the Technician EEO Job category, and 3 females and 3 African Americans in the Para-Professional EEO Job category. DHR Region 4 has female and African American underutilizations in the Para-Professional EEO Job category, however, DHR does not count Para-Professional missed opportunities, because the data is not reliable. The civilian labor force of Asians in the Professional EEO Job category is less than 2%, therefore no goals are required.


Reduce Region 4 underutilizations as stated above.


For FY24, as vacancies occur, hire/promote at least 1 Hispanic and 1 female in the Technician EEO Job category. Efforts will be made to continue to diversify our workforce with qualified people to address underutilizations.

5. Area To Be Addressed:

Address DHR Region 5's underutilization of 9 Asians in the Professional EEO Job category, and 3 Hispanics in the Technician EEO Job category.


Reduce Region 5 underutilizations as stated above.


For FY24, as vacancies occur, hire/promote at least 1 Asian in the Professional EEO Job category and 1 Hispanic in the Technician EEO Job category. Efforts will be made to continue to diversify our workforce with qualified people to address underutilizations.

6. Area To Be Addressed:

Address DHR Region 6's underutilization of 6 African Americans and 9 Asians in the Professional EEO Job category.


Reduce Region 6 underutilizations as stated above.


For FY24, as vacancies occur, hire/promote at least 1 African American and 1 Asian in the Professional EEO Job category. Efforts will be made to continue to diversify our workforce with qualified people to address underutilizations.

7. Area To Be Addressed:

Address DHR Region 7's underutilizations of 1 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander in the Professional EEO Job category, 2 Hispanics in the Technician EEO Job category, 2 females in Protective Service EEO Job category, 1 African American and 1 American Indian/Alaskan Native in the Para-Professional EEO Job category, 1 female in the Skilled Craft EEO Job category, and 1 African American, 2 females, and 2 Hispanics in the Service Maintenance EEO Job category. The civilian labor force of Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders in the Professional EEO Job category is less than 2%, therefore no goals are required. DHR Region 7 has African American and American Indian/Alaskan Native underutilizations in the Para-Professional EEO Job category, however, DHR does not count Para-Professional missed opportunities, because the data is not reliable.


Reduce Region 7's underutilization as stated above.


For FY24, as vacancies occur, hire/promote Hispanics in the Technician EEO Job category, females in the Protective Service EEO Job category, females in the Skilled Craft EEO Job category, and African Americans, Hispanics, and females in the Service Maintenance EEO Job category. Efforts will be made to continue to diversify our workforce with qualified people to address underutilizations.

8. Area To Be Addressed:

Address DHR Region 8's underutilizations of 1 Hispanic in the Official/Manager EEO Job category, 1 Asian in the Professional EEO Job category, 1 Asian in the Technician EEO Job category, 1 African American in the Protective Service EEO Job category, 9 females in the Para-Professional EEO Job category, and 3 African Americans, 4 Hispanics, and 1 Asian in the Service Maintenance EEO Job category. The civilian labor force of Asians in the Professional, Technician, and Service Maintenance EEO Job categories and Hispanics in the Official/Manager EEO Job category is less than 2%, therefore no goals are required. DHR Region 8 has female underutilizations in the Para-Professional EEO Job category, however, DHR does not count Para-Professional missed opportunities, because the data is not reliable.


Reduce Region 8 underutilizations as stated above.


For FY24, as vacancies occur, hire/promote at least 1 African American and 1 Hispanic in the Service Maintenance EEO Job category. Efforts will be made to continue to diversify our workforce with qualified people to address underutilizations.

9. Area To Be Addressed:

DHR Region 9's underutilizations of 2 Asians in the Professional EEO Job category.


Reduce Region 9 underutilizations as stated above.


For FY24, as vacancies occur, hire/promote Asians in the Professionals EEO Job category. Efforts will be made to continue to diversify our workforce with qualified people to address underutilizations.

10. Area To Be Addressed:

Address DHR Region 10's underutilizations of 3 Asians in the Professional EEO Job category, 9 females in the Para-Professional EEO Job category, and 1 African American in the Administrative Support EEO Job category. The civilian labor force of Asians in the Professional EEO Job category is less than 2%, therefore no goals are required. DHR Region 10 has female underutilizations in the Para-Professional EEO Job category, however, DHR does not count Para-Professional missed opportunities, because the data is not reliable.


Reduce Region 10 underutilizations as stated above.


For FY24, as vacancies occur, hire/promote African Americans in the Administrative Support EEO Job category. Efforts will be made to continue to diversify our workforce with qualified people to address underutilizations.

Listed below are the action items that will be implemented for all underutilization in each region as stated above:

  1. The Bureau of Civil Affairs will monitor and report on agency efforts to utilize hiring opportunities to meet the new performance standard regarding minorities, i.e., Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and females each quarter to address underutilization and attempt to reach Affirmative Action hiring goals. Reports will be disseminated through the Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention Committee.
    • Assignment of Responsibility  - Bureau of Civil Affairs (BCA)
    • Completion Target Date - Quarterly/Annually
    • Monitoring Procedure - BCA will review hiring and promotion monitors daily to analyze activity when there are opportunities to address underutilization. Affirmative Action reports will be submitted quarterly/annually.
  2. The Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention Committee will discuss strategies for improving the agency's performance in achieving underutilization goals. Progress will be tracked through this committee.
    • Assignment of Responsibility - Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention Committee
    • Completion Target Date - Quarterly/Annually
    • Monitoring Procedure - BCA will review hiring and promotion monitors daily to analyze activity when there are opportunities to address underutilization. Affirmative Action reports will be submitted quarterly/annually.
  3. The Bureau of Recruitment and Hiring will maintain and report on the number of minority applicants who are recruited for employment within IDHS in areas of underutilization on a quarterly basis during the Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention Committee meetings. 
    • Assignment of Responsibility - Bureau of Recruitment and Hiring
    • Completion Target Date - Quarterly/Annually
    • Monitoring Procedure - BCA will review hiring and promotion monitors daily to analyze activity when there are opportunities to address underutilization. Affirmative Action reports will be submitted quarterly/annually.