Location of Meeting: Service Inc, Joliet IL
Members Present: Mary Lou Bourne, Steve Boise, Jennifer Gilmore, Molly Danay, Alise Raisbeck, Denise Oligney-Estill, Lisa Jacino, Mary Spriggs-Ploessl
Members Absent: John Knight, Sherry Hinds, Mary McGlaughlin, Darlene Kloeppel, Gary Hake
In discussing the closure process for facilities, the team made the recommendation that there needs to be a requirement from DHS-DD that each service provider agency should give an emergency contact number to their local ISC agency for 24/7 access in case of an emergency.
Closing a CILA Agency
The DDD as a whole makes the decision to close a CILA agency. Refer to information bulletins issued for Closure of a CILA Agency and Closure of an ICF/DD for details. The informational bulletins need to be edited for the change in language (only using ISC). This will be completed by Denise and Mary.
Guidelines: Roles/Responsibilities of ISC agencies
The informational bulletin spells out the roles of the ISC agencies. A checklist will be developed based on question 9 under Process/Procedure in the informational bulletins. A checklist will be developed of what items ISC Agencies should take when completing a closing:
- Stapler/paper clips/pens
- Portable Copier and/or scanner (or the ability to fan/scan/email items)-may need assistance from DHS in purchasing these items
- Copy Paper
- Referral forms
- Blank releases
- Large Garbage bags (to use for bags for individuals who don't have suitcases)
- Labels
- List of providers statewide with emergency contacts-vacancy list
- List of other ISC agencies with contact information
- Cellphones and/or laptop computers
- Copies of Emergency Closure Checklist of Needed Information of Individuals
- For smaller agencies, they may need to reach out to other ISC agencies for help and DHS-DD for possible equipment
Guidelines: Roles/Responsibilities of DHS-DDD
Refer to the Informational bulletins for roles of DHS-DD staff.
The DHS-DDD staff will contact the ISC Agency to let them know about the closure
The Region staff go to be a support on site to the ISC Agency (who is the lead). Some examples of this are talking to executive director during process and reminding them that they need to be cooperative, giving verbal authorization for a Pre-Award letter, assisting ISC agency as needed (possibly making phone calls, copies, etc.).
Questions on Closures
- Are Ligas transition plans needed for an emergency ICF-DD closure?
- What is the type of training that we would want our staff (ISC staff and Region staff) to have to be in situations like that?
Additional Monitoring Visits
The team discussed: What do we mean by "monitor" the implementation of the ISP? There seems to be differing interpretations of what that means. The team discussed that you can't hold one agency accountable for another agency's service quality. It was discussed that service coordination is being held responsible to a level of scrutiny to the providers that they don't have the authority or frequency to carry off.
Additional monitoring visits are recommended from the Division. The team suggested that we change the title of the current ISSA Additional Monitoring Visit form to "DHS-DDD Requested ISC Specialized Monitoring Report". This form was revised at our meeting today and it is recommended that this form be used and the old form be discontinued effective immediately upon approval by DHS-DD division. Please see attachment for separate form.
At the division's discretion a notice is sent through the Region staff to the ISC Agency if specialized monitoring needs to be completed. It was recommended that the team that this request should include the name of the agency, the address of the location(s) and/or full agency, date that the visits are the start, frequency of the visits, number of additional ISSA Hours to complete the visits, and the identified issues of concern/areas, any special instructions, and duration of the visits. If the service coordination agency is going due to Medication reviews, DHD-DDD will provide a list to the ISC agencies of staff are certified to pass medications.
The division needs to look at the "Request to DHS to Exceed 25 hour on ISSA Services" form. If the Division is the one asking for the ISC specialized monitoring and the above information is included in the request, an Overage request to exceed 25 hours form should not need to be completed for each individual you are monitoring. Currently this form needs to be filled out for every individual in the agency that you are monitoring for approval even if the request came from the division.
Guidelines for ISC specialized monitoring visits:
- Each ISC specialized monitoring visit will have its own note completed.
- Each ISC agency will have an internal review process in place to assure that the staff doing the monitoring are aware of what is happening at that site on a daily basis
- The ISC Agency and Provider agency typically will have a phone conference on a regular basis of any issues and follow up actions.
- The frequency of when the reports are sent in by the ISC agency will be determined at the onset of the specialized monitoring.
- Narrative of the report: Identified Concerns, Visit Observations, Discussion/Contact, Follow-up Action (What are the action steps that need to be followed and by whom? ISC agency cannot be proscriptive in telling the provider what to do)
- The frequency of when the reports are sent in by the ISC agency will be determined at the onset of the specialized monitoring.
- In discussing the closure process for facilities, the team made the recommendation that there needs to be a requirement from DHS-DD that each service provider agency should give an emergency contact number to their local ISC agency for 24/7 access in case of an emergency.
- Checklists will be developed that ISC agencies should use during a closure process. One checklist will list the items/equipment needed by an ISC agency during a closure. Another checklist will include all needed information/items that needs to go with an individual when they move. The checklists will help ISC agencies during the event of a closure and will be used in conjunction with the informational bulletins for closure.
- Additional Monitoring Visits will be referred to as ISC Specialized Monitoring visits. The team suggested that we change the title of the current ISSA Additional Monitoring Visit form to "DHS-DDD Requested ISC Specialized Monitoring Report" . This form was revised at our meeting today and it is recommended that this form be used and the old form be discontinued effective immediately upon approval by DHS-DD division. Please see attachment for separate form.
- When the division makes a request that ISC Specialized Monitoring visits need to be completed, a written request will be sent to the ISC Agency and should include the name of the agency, the address of the location(s) and/or full agency, date that the visits are the start, frequency of the visits, number of additional ISSA hours to complete the visits, and the identified issues of concern/areas, any special instructions, and duration of the visits. If the service coordination agency is going due to Medication reviews, DHD-DDD will provide a list to the ISC agencies of staff are certified to pass medications.
- The division needs to look at the "Request to DHS to Exceed 25 hour on ISSA Services" form. If the Division is the one asking for the ISC specialized monitoring and the above information is included in the request, an Overage request to exceed 25 hours form should not need to be completed for each individual you are monitoring. Currently this form needs to be filled out for every individual in the agency that you are monitoring for approval even if the request came from the division.
Action Items
- Develop a checklist (based on question 9 under Process/Procedure in the informational bulletins) that ISC agencies can use during a closure. This checklist will include all needed information/items that needs to go with an individual when they move (will be completed by Denise and Jennifer).
- Develop a checklist of what items ISC Agencies need to take with them when completing a closing (this will be completed by Denise and Jennifer)
- Complete edits in Informational Guidelines for Closing a CILA and ICF-DD (this will be completed by Denise and Mary)
- Are Ligas transition plans needed for an emergency ICF-DD closure? This question will need to be answered by the Division.
- What is the type of training that we would want our staff (ISC staff and Region staff) to have to be in situations like that?
Minutes Prepared By: Denise Oligney-Estill