Public Comment Notice: Home and Community Based Services Waivers

The State of Illinois seeks public input into the renewal and/or amendment of three Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waivers, which are operated under the Illinois Department of Human Services' Home Services Program:

  • HCBS Waiver for Persons with Disabilities - IL 0142
  • HCBS Waiver for Persons with Brain Injury - IL 0329
  • HCBS Waiver for Persons with HIV or AIDS - IL 0202

Interested individuals may view the Waivers via one of the following methods:

  1. Electronically through the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services' (HFS) website at; or
  2. Hard copy available at each local Department of Human Services Division of Rehabilitation Services (DHS/DRS) office across the state.
    To find the nearest DHS/DRS office, please utilize the DHS Office Locator on the DHS website at
    or call the DHS Help Line at 1-800-843-6154 (Voice) or 1-866-324-5553 (TTY).

Individuals seeking to provide comment, may do so through July 18, 2015. Comments may be sent through the following methods:

  1. Email to; or
  2. Written input mailed to:
    Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
    ATTN: Waiver Management
    201 South Grand Avenue East, 2FL
    Springfield, IL 62763

The Notice of Public Information can be found in Illinois Register, Volume 39, Issue 25, pages 8472-8479: 

Please direct any questions to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services at the addresses listed above.

Thank you.