Reminder of Available Funding for Home/Vehicle Modifications and Equipment/Technology

Illinois Department of Human Services
Division of Developmental Disabilities
Information Bulletin

Reminder of Available Funding for Home/Vehicle Modifications and Equipment/Technology
June, 2015


This Informational Bulletin is to advise Waiver Service Providers and other advocates that the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) offers the possibility of funding for Home and Vehicle Modifications, as well as Adaptive Equipment and Assistive Technology under Waiver regulations. DDD is releasing this notice to raise awareness of available funding to ensure the health, welfare and safety of participants and to ensure that participants be afforded the opportunity to reside in a setting that promotes greater independence. We feel this is especially important with the current Ligas expansion underway.

Process and Procedures

To request such funds, Service Providers must complete the Adaptive Equipment/Assistive Technology/Home and Vehicle Modification Request Cover Sheet (IL162-1301).

Home Accessibility Modification is available in the Adult Waiver and The Children's Support Waiver. Modifications include those physical adaptations to the private residence of the participant or the participant's family, or CILA (Community Integrated Living Arrangement) settings. Adaptive Equipment and Assistive Technology is available in all three Waivers.

For additional information, please view the Waiver Manual or contact Region staff within the Division's Community Services Section.

Effective Date

This Information Bulletin is issued to highlight existing policies and procedures.