Illinois Department of Human Services
Division of Developmental Services
Information Bulletin
Ligas Transition Service Plan - Quality Review Tool
June, 2015
This Information Bulletin describes the Division of Developmental Disabilities' review process and tool for Ligas Transition Service Plans (LTSPs) developed by Independent Service Coordination agencies.
LTSPs are addressed by two previous bulletins: DD13.031 and DD14.046. The transition service plan process is a valuable enhancement to the service delivery system. An LTSP is to be developed for Ligas Class Members who move to community-based settings. As of September 30, 2013, DDD required a LTSP (IL462-0159) be included in all service funding request packets for individuals for whom a LTSP is necessary. ISC agencies have received training and technical assistance in the development of the LTSP. To further efforts in maintaining compliance with the provisions of the Ligas Consent Decree, and to ensure Class Members experience the best transitions possible, staff in DDD has initiated a quality review of each LTSP submitted in a service funding packet.
Process and Procedures
All LTSPs received on January 1, 2015 and after, are being reviewed, scored, and entered into a database maintained by DDD. The attached Ligas Quality Review Tool (pdf) is a print screen of the database. The top portion (8 boxes) is marked by DDD staff with a 0 or 1. The score of 0 indicates an incomplete entry. A score of 1 indicates a completed entry. The bottom section of the Quality Review Tool (boxes 1-28) is marked with a 1, 2, or 3. In this bottom section, a 1 represents "Needs Improvement", 2 is "Proficient", and 3 is "Excellent". The maximum points available per plan is 92. The minimum points accepted by the DDD at this point in time per plan is 54. If a plan has a score of 53 or below, it will be sent back to the ISC agency for correction. Upon receipt of an acceptable LTSP, DDD staff will continue processing the service funding packet. Results of the review of each LTSP are shared with the individual service coordinator and the executive director of the applicable ISC agency as each review is completed.
Effective Date
The Bureau of Transition Services is reviewing all LTSP received as of January 1st, 2015. Review results are now being shared with the ISC agencies.