WAG 21-02-08: Associate/Bachelor Degree Program

PM 21-02-08

  1. When the client is approved to participate in Associate/Bachelor Degree Program, provide the client with a copy of the RSP. Also give them a supply of Responsibility and Services Plan Attendance and Activity Report (Form 4006) unless other procedures have been established to verify attendance with the school.
  2. Explain participation requirements to the client. Tell them to submit completed Form 4006's at least monthly. Tell the client to submit a copy of the grade report each term or a statement from the school at the next REDE, if the school does not issue grade reports.
  3. Be sure the client understands activity requirement policy; tell them about the cash penalties for failure and refusal to cooperate.
  4. If not already enrolled, refer the client to an education program if appropriate.
  5. revised textUse the RSP to keep track of their cumulative GPA, and how many months (if any) they have met the criteria to stop the TANF 60-month count. 
  6. revised textParticipation hours include school attendance hours and allowable study time. Use monthly hours and divide by 4 to find the weekly average. Update the RSP with the average weekly participation hours. Hours are displayed on the CDB in Item 60 Activity Code 342. When the client meets the criteria to stop the TANF counter, see WAG 03-06-01-d.
  7. revised textAt the end of each term, review the client's progress by examining their grade report and enrollment for the next term. Determine if they qualify to continue. If no longer a full-time student or they do not meet the GPA requirement, revise the RSP to optionally continue the program as Job Skills and include a different Core activity in the RSP.