WAG 02-09-05-b: Delivering Work, Training and Education Activities

PM 02-09-05-b

revised & relocated text

  1. (Worker) Set up an appointment for the client with a contractor, community resource, or other service provider via WVS/Referral Form (Form 2151). Include the appointment date, time, location, and contact person. 
  2. (Worker) Ask the client if they need child care and/or transportation.
    1. If the client needs help finding a child care provider, refer them directly to the CCR&R. Tell the client they may reschedule the appointment, if necessary, to a time when child care is available.
    2. If the client has a child care provider, give them a Child Care Application (Form 3455). Tell them to complete it with the child care provider and return it within 10 days. Tell them payment will be sent to the provider after the completed form is returned if it is legal care.
  3. (Worker) Issue initial payments for child care and transportation and forward the Form 3455 to the CCR&R. Forward the RSP with Form 2151. Give copies of the forms to the client. 
  4. (Worker) If needed, issue transportation for the client to get to and from the referral appointment(s).
  5. (Provider) Responds to the Family Community Resource Center. When the client did not request child care from the Family Community Resource Center but requests it from the provider, the provider has client and child care provider complete Form 3455. Provider makes an initial child care payment and forwards Form 3455 with Form 4022 to CCR&R, including information about the initial payment. 
  6. ((Worker) Begin the reconciliation process if the client missed the appointment, except for Work First. See WAG 21-02-06-k for Work First clients who miss the appointment.
  7. (Provider) Reports the client's participation and progress to the FCRC as determined by provider agreement. Reports any change (including failure to cooperate) using WVS/Form 2151A within 2 workdays.  outreach.
  8. (FCRC) Controls for receipt of Form 2151A monthly.
    1. Contacts provider if form is not received.
    2. Records receipt of form and forwards it to client's worker.
  9. (FCRC) Take action as required, based on information received from service provider.
  10. (FCRC) Report changes to the service provider via WVS/Form 2151A