WAG 02-09-05-a-4
Refugees who apply for and receive TANF are subject to TANF activity compliance requirements. See PM 03-13-00.
If a refugee claims a barrier to employment or full participation in Countable activities, evaluate whether the individual meets one of the reasons to be considered Exempt at PM 03-13-02.
All refugees may attend English as Second Language (ESL) class for up to 3 months, even if they read and speak English upon entry. In addition to language instruction, orientation to American culture and activities of daily life is provided in ESL class. Those who are not proficient in English may need more time in ESL.
After the initial 3-month period, assess clients who are not yet employed to determine if they are ready to progress to a work activity, or if additional time in ESL is needed.
When deciding which activities to include in the RSP of a refugee, consider the level of language proficiency and education.
Suggestions for the first 2 years are as follows:
- Reads and speaks English, educated:
- Education Related to Employment - 3 months in ESL class for orientation to American culture;
- Job Search/Job Readiness: assistance with preparing a resume, job search, how to interview;
- Job Skills: retrain or enhance skills;
- Work Experience,
Community Service;
- Vocational Training;
- Employment;
- Support activities as needed and appropriate to family circumstances.
- Literate and educated in native language:
- Education Related to Employment - 3 months in ESL class, longer if needed;
- Job Search/Job Readiness: assistance with preparing a resume, job search, how to interview;
- Job Skills: retrain or enhance skills;
- Work Experience,
Community Service;
- Vocational Training;
- Employment;
- Support activities as needed and appropriate to family circumstances.
- Illiterate in native language:
- Education Related to Employment - Up to 24 months in ESL class;
- Add Job Search/Job Readiness, work activities, vocational training and employment as the person progresses and is likely to succeed;
- Support activities as needed and appropriate to family circumstances.
If supervised by a Voluntary Sponsoring Agency (VOLAG), include Countable activities in the RSP which the agency has the person engaged in. See PM 03-13-01-c for reporting and verifying hours of participation. Contact the agency before imposing a sanction to make certain the refugee understands expectations.
If ESL classes are part of a Vocational Training program, see PM 21-02-07.
Countable activities: PM 21-02-00 & PM 21-03-00. Support activities: PM 21-04-00.