April 30, 2015 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board County Review Committee


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


April 28, 2015, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • 401 South Clinton, 7th Floor Think Tank, Chicago, IL
  • 823 East Monroe, Conference Room Springfield, IL 
  • Call in:  (888) 494-4032; Pass Code: 532.954.7331


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Redeploy Illinois Focused Application for Funding
    1. Logan County Probation Department
  4. Redeploy Illinois Focused Funding Modification
    1. McHenry County Probation Department
  5. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 11:05 a.m.
  2. Roll Call
    Jim McCarter, Janet Ahren, Anne Studzinksi, Sharon Coleman (DHS), Jennifer Jaworski (DJJ), and Larry Small (DCFS). Staff: Angie Jimenez, John Payne (by phone), and Steve Sawyer (by phone).
  3. Review & Approval of Redeploy Illinois Focused Application for Funding
    Committee members reviewed the application submitted by the Logan County Probation Department. Their request was for $4,810. This amount would cover costs associated with assessment, evaluation, individual and group counseling at ABC Counseling and Family Services.
    There were concerns raised regarding transportation costs as well as the plan to ensure the youth would make all of his scheduled sessions. The youth lives over 30 miles from ABC counseling, and his family does not have reliable transportation. Because the evaluation was initiated but not yet completed, the committee members had questions regarding the projected costs. They would like to see what the recommendation is before considering a request for funds for treatment.
    Motion: Janet Ahren motioned to approve the request for funding towards the cost of the assessment, evaluation, and transportation costs. Logan County is welcome to request funding for treatment once a plan has been outlined. Jim McCarter seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Committee approved the motion.
  4. Review of Redeploy Illinois Focused Funding Modification
    Angie Jimenez gave an update on the youth's case. The Day Reporting Center has since closed due to low enrollment. The youth has struggled, and is now facing a new charge. His probation officer is recommending that he undergo a psychological evaluation.
    McHenry County Probation Department has made a modified request to transfer approved funding from transportation costs to Day Reporting Center (2 times per day round trip 112 miles for 26 weeks for a total of $9,434.88 in transportation costs to Day Reporting Center) to costs associated with a psychological evaluation ($1,500).
    The Committee shared concerns of what the psychological evaluation aims to uncover. They also asked whether the youth had undergone previous evaluations and wanted to know what the recommended treatment was.
    Motion: Jim McCarter motioned to approve the modification request once the questions regarding any previous psychological evaluations were answered. Jim McCarter seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Committee approved the motion.
  5. Adjournment