03.05.00 Nutrition Service Plan

Nutrition Service Plan Policy Number and Last Update
(03.05.00/04-2019) HSPS §1302.44

GOAL I: To promote the health and well-being of children, staff, and families through the delivery of a comprehensive, high quality, nutrition program.

Objective I-A: Secure the services of a qualified, registered dietician or nutritionist to support the program's nutrition needs.


(Nutrition Plan)


I-A, 1 Following the IMSHSP Procurement Procedure, contract a consultant who meets the qualifications in the IMSHSP Nutrition Consultant Job Description. Obtain and keep on file, documentation of Nutritionist's qualifications, including diploma, transcripts, RD, state licensure or state certification, and a signed contract. Delegate Director Before preservice
I-A, 2 Develop a schedule of not less than 8 hours per month and not less than 4 hours for centers that close early that ensures the consultant performs the duties required. Delegate Director & HSW Monthly
I-A, 3 Monitor to ensure that all duties of the Nutritionist are completed and that all activities are documented on the Report of Nutritionist's Visit form. Delegate Director & HSW Monthly

 Objective I-B: Identify the nutritional needs of enrolled children and families to formulate the basis for individualized nutrition services.

I-B, 1 Complete age-appropriate Child's Nutrition Questionnaire for all children by interviewing parents.  HSW At time of enrollment
I-B, 2 Determine which children need further nutritional assessment, by reviewing the ht/wt, hemoglobin/hematocrit, and other necessary health information from health screening and information from the questionnaire. HSW & Nutritionist Within 4 weeks of child's enrollment
I-B, 3 Perform assessments and document recommendations on Nutrition Questionnaire. Complete and send Parent Nutrition Screening Results form. Document date and recommendation from nutritionist in the Nutrition Form and on the  nutrition section of COPA. HSW & Nutritionist No later than 2 weeks of receiving information and ongoing
I-B, 4 Record infant's daily food intake and introduction of new foods on the Infant Daily Activity Record and send to parents. Infant Classroom staff Daily
I-B, 5 Obtain information about major community nutritional issues that affect the children and families served, through the Community Assessment, HSAC, and local health department. Work with other agencies to remedy problems found. Nutritionist, HSW, & FSW June-Sept.
I-B, 6 Children found to be obese are to be brought up during the Bi-weekly staffing and develop a plan, with the help of the nutrition consultant, to help children and their parents learn and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Nutritionist, HSW & FSW No later than 2 weeks of receiving information and ongoing

Objective I-C: Provide high-quality nutritious meals and foods that meet the individual dietary needs of all children.

I-C, 1 Apply for and participate in the Child Care & Adult Care Food program through the Illinois State Board of Education. Maintain food service records according to CACFP regulations and IMSHSP Record-Keeping Procedures. Delegate Director Apply annually, follow regs continuously
I-C, 2 Follow the IMSHSP Preservice Requirements and send staff to child nutrition trainings such as those provided by CACFP and the Grantee, to ensure all staff have the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out the nutrition program.  Delegate Director Preservice, as new staff are hired, when training is offered
I-C, 3 Follow the IMSHSP Food Service Policy and Menu and Recipes (approved by an RD) at all times, ensuring that food is purchased and prepared in accordance with these procedures and that food served at all program sponsored functions complies with the Policy. Cook, HSW, & Nutritionist Continuously
I-C, 4  Plan meals in time to reduce the need for food substitution. When substitutions are necessary, purchase and serve food of equivalent nutritional value. Note substitutions on posted menus and for CACFP records. Cook Daily
I-C, 5  Adjust IMSHSP menu and recipes to meet the individual needs of older infants and young toddlers.  Cook, HSW, & Nutritionist Daily
I-C, 6 Provide special diets for children with documented food allergies, intolerance or other feeding problems, or special nutritional needs, consulting with the child's doctor as necessary. Cook, HSW, & Nutritionist As needed
I-C, 7 Ensure the provision of adaptive feeding techniques or utensils to children with disabilities, according to the child's IEP/EFSP nutrition plan or medical plan.  HSW, DSW & Nutritionist As needed
I-C, 8 Schedule meal and snack periods according to Head Start, CACFP, and Illinois Day Care Licensing requirements. Delegate Director Prior to opening & always follow
I-C, 9 Feed infants according to the USDA infant meal pattern and following the IMSHSP Infant Feeding Techniques. Infant staff Daily
I-C, 10 Follow the IMSHSP Planning Process to ensure parents and the HSAC are involved in planning and evaluating nutritional services. Delegate Director & HSW Per planning process

 Objective I-D: Maintain a meal time atmosphere that contributes to the development and socialization of enrolled children and ensure that nutrition is an integral part of the total child development program.

 I-D, 1 Deliver food to the classroom according to the IMSHSP Delivery of Food to the Classroom Policy and Guidance. Cook 3 times per day
 I-D, 2 Follow the IMSHSP Center Meal Service Policy and Guidance to ensure the meal times are consistent with good child development practices. Cook & Education staff 3 times per day
 I-D, 3 Ensure that all program staff who eat center food do so in the classroom, family style. Delegate Director 3 times per day
I-D, 4 Provide age-appropriate classroom cooking activities and other nutrition activities (e.g. gardens, field trips, etc.) that comply with the IMSHSP Food Service Policy and the Nutrition Education in the Classroom Guidance. Education staff & Nutritionist Weekly
I-D, 5 Follow IMSHSP Tooth-Brushing Procedures. Education staff 2 times per day
I-D, 6 Make accommodations in the classroom, or elsewhere, for the mother to breastfeed during program opening hours and provide accommodations to properly store and handle breast milk. Education staff, HSW At all times

Objective I-E: Assist parents to meet the nutritional needs of their families by providing them opportunities to learn about proper nutrition and food assistance programs.


(Nutrition Plan)


I-E, 1 Follow the IMSHSP Parent Education Planning Process. Provide education activities on nutrition topics, which include but are not limited to, the causes and prevention of overweight and underweight, as planned. Also, educate parents on nutrition issues specific to their children's needs. Delegate Team & Nutritionist Within 2 weeks of opening & ongoing
I-E, 2 Give parents the Parent Guidebook which explains the program's nutrition services and the Community Resource Directory that lists nutrition assistance programs in the area. Also, assist families to enroll in WIC and other food assistance programs as necessary. FSW, HSW & Nutritionist At time of enrollment when necessary
I-E, 3 Ensure parents know about the foods their children eat at the center by:
  1. Giving them a complete set of the 4 week menu cycle (English and Spanish);
  2. Posting the current week's menu in public areas of the center and in each classroom; and
  3. Sending a copy of the coming week's menu (with any planned substitutions noted) to them.


Cook & HSW


At time of enrollment


Every Friday

Objective I-F: Enact policies and procedures to guarantee safety and sanitation in food preparation.

I-F, 1 Ensure inspection of food preparation area(s) by Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and post certificate of compliance. Delegate Director Annually
I-F, 2 Comply with all the IDPH and CACFP regulations and standards of proper safety and sanitation in the preparation, storage, and service of food. Ensure at least one staff person with the Food Sanitation Certificate is on site during the preparation of food. Delegate Director & HSW At all times
I-F, 3 Complete the nutrition section of the Environmental Safety Checklist. Document and correct any problem areas found. Delegate Director, HSW, & Nutritionist Monthly