03.04.00 - Mental Health Service Plan

Policy Number and Last Update(03.04.00/01-2025)

GOAL I: To work collaboratively with parents, staff, mental health professionals, and the larger community in the delivery of mental health services to the children, parents, and staff. (HSPS 1302.45- Supports for mental health and well-being. )

Objective I-A: Contract the services of a mental Consultant, with or without an associate to work with families, staff, and children.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Mental Health Plan)
I-A, 1

1. Hire the services of a Mental Health Consultant and Associate following the criteria found in the Duties and Responsibilities of Mental Health (current license and transcript or title must be on file).

Obtain and maintain a folder with credential documentation, including diploma, transcript and state license or certificate and a signed contract.

Director Before season starts
I-A, 2 2. Following the IMSHSP Mental Health Policy and Procedure, ensure a regular schedule for the consultant (MHC) or associate (MHA) by:
  1. Schedule monthly classroom observations and allow time for the MHC and MHA to discuss observations and recommendations with classroom staff, Mental Health Coordinator.
  2. Allow the MHC or MHA to provide input and recommendations for the development and implementation of the mental health program by making him/her a member of the Health Services Advisory Committee.
  3. Schedule training for staff and parents on family well-being.
  4. Invite MHC and MHA to participate in the development and implementation of child's IEP/IFSP, if indicated.
  5. Schedule for MHC or MHA to be available for individual consultations for parents and staff.
  6. Allow the MHC or MHA to review the developmental screenings that reflect some concerns or delays and all social emotional checklists for their recommendations.
  7. Ensure that the Mental Health Activity Report and MHC/MHA Recommendations Report are submitted after each visit.
  8. Schedule for MHC or MHA to provide assistance to children with special needs and their families.
Mental Health Coordinator


At least 18 hours per month

At least 2 per season


As needed

As needed

Within 2 weeks after screenings completed

After each consultation

As needed

Objective I-B: Establish with parents, a high priority on the emotional well-being of all family members, especially children.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Mental Health Plan)
I-B, 1 Provide training for parents on parenting, emotional development, family relations, and services available locally. Delegate Director, other team members, & MHC/MHA At least twice per season
I-B, 2 During home visits or parent/teacher conferences, ask parents about child's emotional development. Discuss child's adjustment at the center. Teachers At least twice per season
I-B, 3 In the center newsletters, notes, parent/teacher contacts, and home visits, advertise the dates the mental health consultant will be available at the center. Delegate Director & MH Coordinator Monthly

Objective I-C: Plan a course of action for the well-being of all family members or to meet individual mental health needs of any child or parent.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Mental Health Plan)
I-C, 1
Ensure timely bi-weekly staffings and accurate documentation of discussions and follow-up needed. Delegate Director First one by 2nd week of operation; then every 2 weeks
I-C, 2
Ensure all coordinating staff and child's teacher participate in staffing. Delegate Director First one by 2nd week of operation; then every 2 weeks
I-C, 3
Follow the Bi-Weekly Staffing Procedure. Delegate Director Bi-weekly